BMW Electronic Handbrake

[TW]Fox;28607663 said:
Dunno but there is presumably a reason. It auto applies the handbrake when you sit at lights etc

Weird. Seems like something you'd want on, or off, permanently. BMW do seem to have a weird way of doing things sometimes - often it's brilliantly thought out but sometimes it's just odd
I don't have an issue remembering to handbrake, I just find when jumping in cars with Electronic Handbrakes I find myself reaching for the non existent handbrake lever.
I believe the F30 has the electronic park button and a manual handbrake lever, in this case does the handbrake have to be applied when getting out too? Or is it just there for handbrake turns and the like :D
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The park button parks the transmission and has nothing to do with the handbrake on the F30.

Up to you whether you use it. I never bother in the F30, seems bizarre they went with a crap manual one.
Mine auto disengages when I pull away, as did my old A6. You do have to have your seatbelt on though, otherwise no, it won't disengage.
Aaah, this explains why sometimes the bugger wouldn't disengage when pulling away in the morning ;)

I have a habit of pulling out and putting on my seatbelt shortly after.
Guess I'll have to change and do it the right way now.

Thanks for this! :o
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