Boy Nearly Killed Trying To Cool Xbox 360

18 May 2004
A 14 year old boy from Brevard, North Carolina was nearly killed Sunday while trying to stop his Xbox 360 from overheating.

The boy’s mother told local news that his Xbox 360 kept turning itself off after about 5 minutes. Her son had read online that he could stop it from cutting off by cooling the power supply. "I saw him put the cord on top of a box in the living room", said the boy’s mother. "When I left to go next door he was playing a game but when I got back he was laying on his back on the floor and unconscious".

While his mother was away the boy had taken the power supply and wrapped it in plastic and tape. In an attempt to cool it off, he submerged it into a pan of water with the cord still plugged in. The boy had regained consciousness by the time paramedics had arrived. He was taken to the Transylvania Community Hospital in Brevard where he spent the night.

Aside from getting knocked unconscious the boy only suffered small burns to his right hand and foot

IDIOT :eek:
"Micro$£™$£$£oft are incapable of designing a safe console"

LOL. please tell me how many other consoles come with a WATER RESISTANT logo? HAHAHAHA! LOL!

Excuse me my bill gates. Why isnt your 360 water proof? all the other consoles are/ :confused:
Slogan said:
Micro$£™$£$£oft are incapable of designing a safe console.

lol @ that comment.

What are you smoking?

If you put any eletrical equipemnt in water guess whats going to happen?

That just shows, to what extent, how much people hate microsoft.
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Slogan said:
Micro$£™$£$£oft are incapable of designing a safe console.
Im hoping you've tricked everyone into a sarchasm? And dont actually believe that. You have to make sarcasm more obvious on the Internet.
Oh boy. I didn't think it would actually be taken LITERALLY.

Brilliant. :D Best of all is, I have an Xbox 360.

gord said:
You have to make sarcasm more obvious on the Internet.

Not when the reactions are this good, I don't. Also take into consideration my use of 3 dollar signs, 3 pound signs and a trade mark logo might have helped. :p
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Slogan said:
Oh boy. I didn't think it would actually be taken LITERALLY.

Brilliant. :D Best of all is, I have an Xbox 360.

Not when the reactions are this good, I don't.

Is he being sarcastic now? I can't tell :p
Adam Senior said:
"Micro$£™$£$£oft are incapable of designing a safe console"

LOL. please tell me how many other consoles come with a WATER RESISTANT logo? HAHAHAHA! LOL!

Excuse me my bill gates. Why isnt your 360 water proof? all the other consoles are/ :confused:

Uber whoosh.
almost as good as the story 'bout the guy trying to see better inside a car's petrol tank by using a lighter :p

Or the mother who put all a kid's megadrive/snes games in the sink with all the dishes, thinking she'd "clean" his games for him :D
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