Boycotting nestle

19 Oct 2002
Cloud Cuckoo Land
Does any one else do this? I'm about to give it a go. One of my best friends died suddenly a couple of weeks ago, one of the things she always insisted on was avoiding nestle (that and natwest! :p). A couple of us have decided that since she can't really avoid nestle any more that maybe we should to make up for it.

There's a worrying number of things I never even knew they made!

Fortunatly theres nothing on that list that I actually rely on. But I will miss fruit pastles. Small price though.

(Oh and by the way...they are evil...or so I'm told...thats not really the point for me anymore)
nestle supports aids in third world countries, they send out powdered milk that ppl in third world countries cant use with clean water, which then resolves them back to breast feeding, alas giving aids to babies
I'm not trolling, but what difference will it make if I buy Nestle or not?

Is that the best you can do? Why not stage a really disruptive but legal protest at the gates of their factory?
kitten_caboodle said:
what is it that they do that's evil?

"Nestlé has been accused by supporters of the boycott of unethical methods of promoting infant formula over breast-milk to poor mothers in third world countries. One major issue is passing out free powdered formula samples to mothers in hospitals. After leaving the hospital, these mothers' breasts will have ceased to produce milk due to the substitution of formula feeding for breastfeeding. This forces the continued use of formula, which can contribute to malnutrition, and under worsened sanitary conditions with contaminated water, often leading to diarrhea. UNICEF alleges this situation results in the deaths of about 1.5 million babies each year. The formula, which is no longer free after the mother leaves the hospital, can for some also put a significant strain on the family's budget."é_boycott
Let me explain to you how this works:

You see, the corporations finance Team America, and then Team America goes out... and the corporations sit there in their... in their corporation buildings, and... and, and see, they're all corporation-y... and they make money.

If you're boycotting Nestle, you should be boycotting a hell of a lot of other things. Stop thinking you're so self-righteous by boycotting one company when I bet you're buying stuff from companies that do far worse. Actually find out about everything you buy before you get all moral by not buying packs of Rolos.

(As squiffy has also pointed out I see)
wow. there are some seriously big brands on that list.

i imagine you could buy your weekly shop; maybe 100-150 brands and in reality you would have bought 4 companys products :rolleyes:

and on topic- why did your friend not like nestle?
The nestle boycott thing as far as I remember was to do when Nestle supplied bags of powdered baby milk in parts of africa. The problem was they didn't supply any water cleaning utilities. So mothers were forced to mixed baby powder with sewage and disease infested water, to their babies.
Pete_m said:
wow. there are some seriously big brands on that list.

i imagine you could buy your weekly shop; maybe 100-150 brands and in reality you would have bought 4 companys products :rolleyes:

Why the rolleyes? Just because four companies might make a lot of products amongst themselves, it doesn't automatically mean that's bad. How do you think they got to that position in the first place?
Carzy said:
If you're boycotting Nestle, you should be boycotting a hell of a lot of other things. Stop thinking you're so self-righteous by boycotting one company when I bet you're buying stuff from companies that do far worse. Actually find out about everything you buy before you get all moral by not buying packs of Rolos.

Just because I don't buy from them desn't mean that I walk around with a smug glow of self rightousness at all times.

I probably am buying stuff from companies that do far worse, however, no-one has made me aware of the things those companies are doing wrong and I don't have time to find out.

Call it 'ethical shopper-lite' but at least I'm offering something.
badgermonkey said:
I boycott KFC having seen the video on :)

(Think the link is safe)

Whaaaaaaaaaaaat. As long as my popcorn chicken tastes good, I really couldn't care what happened to the poultry.
What do you want? Entirely free-range chickens?

Two words for you -

That said, I entirely support the view that what Nestle does is wrong.
Carzy said:
Why the rolleyes? Just because four companies might make a lot of products amongst themselves, it doesn't automatically mean that's bad. How do you think they got to that position in the first place?

its not bad, i just think it makes them feel superior when they're not always.

take this topic's example..
I hope you're going to boycott cosmetic, petrolium, chemical/ pharmaceutical industry and clothing as they do shady things too.

i buy buying local organic produce, cosmetics that contian no petrochemmicals, hosehold cleaning agents without them too, also paints and decorating items. clothing is natural where i can and then it is fairtrade and organic and made over here too! anything else?

boycotting companies is far more productive than demonstration. too many companies have proven to carry out action known to, or without any thought to the results of their actions.

ok but as mentioned before, surely that's helping stop the spread of AIDS from mother to baby in some of the most HIV/AIDS ridden areas of the world?
this is not proven as far as i can tell, however the locking in of financially poor women to the need to buy formula once the freebies stop is atrocious.

I'm not trolling, but what difference will it make if I buy Nestle or not?
thats the problem too many people think like that throughout society, with politics, environmental issues etc etc. if people think that selling products laden with processed sugars and fats to children on tv is wrong thay may decide that nestle is irresponsible. if the advertising doesnt work why advertise to children? some people may also take offence to the fact that most of the worlds food is now in the habds of 4 major companies and decide to boycott those foods inc nestle
Una said:
...One major issue is passing out free powdered formula samples to mothers in hospitals. After leaving the hospital, these mothers' breasts will have ceased to produce milk due to the substitution of formula feeding for breastfeeding. This forces the continued use of formula...é_boycott

Now that is pretty rough - reminds me of the stories you hear of drug dealers giving kids free samples to get them hooked.

I thought this thread would be concerned with their closing of the rowntrees factory in York, loss of jobs, selling (some of) the land for houses.
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