Brake Fluid Recommendation

16 May 2005
I am going to be giving my brakes on the Megane a bit of a going over imminently and along with a pad and disk change (Ferodo DS2500s and Brembo High Carbon disks) I'm going to do the brake fluid too, but a bit unsure what to choose.

I want something that is fairly high performance as I'm sorting my brakes ready for taking the car on track many times over the coming months, I would love to use some Castrol SRF but at £50/L (Unless anyone knows of anywhere that does it for cheap!) I'm not sure I can justify spending that much on just fluid when I would hope there is stuff out there nearly as good at the fraction of the price? Is Motul RBF 660 much good?

So if anyone has any recommendations that'd be super neato!
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i use ATE super stuff in my cars as its easily available, no issues at all and it is high spec.

the motul stuff is supposed to be the nuts.


this car is apparently on brembo discs, ds2500s and motul brake fluid. driver had no idea it was glowing like that
I am using the Motul RBF600. Very impressed. I have R26.R calipers on my S3 so they have to haul a lot more weight to a stop then in yours and on track I had no fade at all with Redstuff pads (soon to be Ferodo DS2500). If you're really going to be pushing it the RBF660 is apparently a decent step up and not a lot more cost.

The Motul would be my recommendation :)
Excellent stuff, thank you all very much :)

You're not the first person to have recommended the super blue fluid Dogbreath so has widened my choice a bit...but I think I might go for the Motul fluid, it's not too expensive and sounds like it's good stuff. Time to look around for the best price and get the ol' debit card out!
Well in true OCUK style, I totally ignored you all and went for SRF anyway :o

Found the discs for a very very reasonable price, which meant I could spent the money I budgeted for on the liquid gold, which I also found for a slightly better price than most:


Considering what I've paid I think I've got a bit of a bargain:

Ferodo DS2500s unused from my friend - £65
Castrol SRF - 2x £34
Brembo Solid High Carbon Discs - £70
Total - £203
That's a great price for that lot, are you fitting it yourself?
I love the R26.R, very special :)
That's a great price for that lot, are you fitting it yourself?
I love the R26.R, very special :)

Yeah I will be, shall be going to my dads work and steal all his tools, might ask for a hand from him though to do the fluid as I've not done that before.

I love the car, can't see me getting rid for a long while...caveat being it doesn't fall apart too much :p

£65 for those pads is a steal. Your mate got any more :p

Sadly not lol, he bought them in preparation to use on his Megane but got rid of the car before he had chance to use them, so a superb bargain, not to be repeated! [/DFS]
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