US: Breaking Bad Season 5 Part II - The finale.

Thanks Steedie.

Jesse told Todd where the tape is... At Hank's... Where they all are...

Oh snap! Yeah, totally didn't click with that bit! That's true! Wonder if the family will all get killed? Hopefully just Marie

Maybe that's what happens then? They go to get the tape, kill the family as they are collateral, gets back to Walt, he seeks revenge?
You best be kidding, if you did read this thread you sir are a foo.

I am a foo :( but also had been told by a friend anyway. I often spoil things, mainly because of impatience (don't get that much time to watch Breaking Bad so I progress very slowly)
I am the kind of person that, upon receiving a new book, will commence reading the last page, and then carry on at page 1 :D
Oh snap! Yeah, totally didn't click with that bit! That's true! Wonder if the family will all get killed? Hopefully just Marie

Maybe that's what happens then? They go to get the tape, kill the family as they are collateral, gets back to Walt, he seeks revenge?

This was my guess.
Next episode will see Walt on the run, being hunted down by Saul, Jessie telling Nazis about tapes and stuff, they start tracking the family!!!
Arrgggghhhh IT'S GOING TO GET MENTAL!!!!
Highlight of the show

Like I sad last week, Walt has become such a monster, they have done such an amazing job with the writing of having you completely sympathise with his down trodden character at the beginning, to him becoming such a nasty piece of work.

I would imagine that it will probably play out something like Walt gets his new identity and it probably leaps forward in time to where the flash forwards were. Walt will go after Jacks gang to settle the score and as far as he is concerned, Jessie is already dead. He'll find the Meth lab and I think perhaps Jessie will be the one who kills him.
This was my guess.
Next episode will see Walt on the run, being hunted down by Saul, Jessie telling Nazis about tapes and stuff, they start tracking the family!!!
Arrgggghhhh IT'S GOING TO GET MENTAL!!!!

Worst theory ever.

I think Jessie will end up killing Walt. Walt will stumble across the meth lab, and Jessie will either shoot Walt thinking it's someone else or shoot him as revenge for him winding up there. I hope I'm wrong, but I can't see Walt coming out of this alive

As I posted before, this might be foreshadowing it

We may of just witnessed the single greatest single piece of television of our lives. Nothing will ever come close to the brilliance of that last episode. TV has reached its peak with Breaking Bad.

Its obvious as day that Walt is going after his money, its his, he earned it. If he is going out, he is going out his way. I just hope Jesse makes it out of this alive. I would feel sick to my stomach if nothing good comes from this show. At this point, its actually getting really hard to watch these great characters die off. I can't take it anymore.

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