US: Breaking Bad Season 5 Part II - The finale.

I think feeling sick to the stomach would make this show epic. Far to many 99.99% of shows/films end with the morally right or at least what the audience wants. Be nce to just flip it on its head.
My guess what would happen in the last episodes is.....I think walt will survive as hes lost his family now and i think that is worse than death for him since his family is the only thing thats made everything worthwhile for him. I reckon he will come to his senses reguarding jessie which is what the gun is for and try to rescue him... I believe he will get in contact with lydia and offer to cook again to bring up the % in return for her telling him where jessie is being kept and jacks gang are ect...If you remember she wasn't impressed with todd's rubbish cooking and jessie is basically the last person in his life that he can actually help now. I'm probably way off the mark but its good to guess :D
**** me sideways.

That was some powerful TV. Best I've ever seen.

Walt will obviously want his money back.
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Well ** You must fully star out swearing - regardless if it's in spoiler tags or not ** me that was one of the best episodes of BB. I think Walts gonna end up losing everything and then kill himself.
Walt is going to go bat **** crazy!

He wants his money back, and he is going to do it. I kinda think his whole family gets wiped out. Still no idea why he needs the risen though??
Thanks Steedie.

Jesse told Todd where the tape is... At Hank's... Where they all are...

Oh snap! Yeah, totally didn't click with that bit! That's true! Wonder if the family will all get killed? Hopefully just Marie

Maybe that's what happens then? They go to get the tape, kill the family as they are collateral, gets back to Walt, he seeks revenge?

This was my guess.
Next episode will see Walt on the run, being hunted down by Saul, Jessie telling Nazis about tapes and stuff, they start tracking the family!!!
Arrgggghhhh IT'S GOING TO GET MENTAL!!!!

Nope, they're at Walt and Skylar's house, not Hank and Marie's.
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