US: Breaking Bad Season 5 Part II - The finale.

Have a look at this...

Now... some time after that scene with gus and the cartel executing someone close to him, he hatched a plan to poison those guilty of wronging him, Don Eladio etc.

Now at the point of this poisoning a certain jesse pinkman was being held captive by the cartel to cook for them. The poisoning of eladio and the cartel members, as a side-effect gave jesse his freedom!

Is it a red herring? Or could walt have retrieved the ricin and plans to use it somehow to get revenge against jack's crew for killing hank, and as a result gains jesse his freedom???

I think using the images as comparisons is reaching a bit. It's not a fairly uncommon thing that happens in the series. Jessie spend a fair chunk of his time on the floor in similar positions or standing up looking shocked/upset.
As I posted before, this might be foreshadowing it


When I watched it this morning, the first thing I thought of when I saw this was "Walt is dead, Heisenberg has taking over now". Mental episode really!

Personally, I think Skylar is going to get killed by the Nazi's, and Walt gets told what happens, resulting in him to go full Rambo, on a killing spree through the lab
I think using the images as comparisons is reaching a bit. It's not a fairly uncommon thing that happens in the series. Jessie spend a fair chunk of his time on the floor in similar positions or standing up looking shocked/upset.

It's not just that though. There have been various signs that walt has, shall we say inherited some of Gus's traits and mannerisms. Look at how he removed his clothes, tie etc prior to vomiting in a recent episode, reminiscent of mr. frings. Then there was the scene in the carwash with lydia which was eerily like when walt first approached frings in los pollos hermanos.

Mike's "just coz you shoot jesse james, don't make you jesse james" quote - maybe he was wrong?
It's not just that though. There have been various signs that walt has, shall we say inherited some of Gus's traits and mannerisms. Look at how he removed his clothes, tie etc prior to vomiting in a recent episode, reminiscent of mr. frings. Then there was the scene in the carwash with lydia which was eerily like when walt first approached frings in los pollos hermanos.

Mike's "just coz you shoot jesse james, don't make you jesse james" quote - maybe he was wrong?

The stuff about traits was reaching as well. He never saw Gus do some of the things he was supposedly meant to have taken on.

Maybe meticulousness, but the actual specific acts? No. Like the way people were saying he's taken on aspects of Mike which was all based on him having ice in his drink after having seen mike do it once.

It's ice in a drink and we're not shown him drinking enough to really know what drinking traits he even has.

I'm not disagreeing that he is displaying some traits of others, just that they are certainly reaching a bit. I agree about the car wash one, definitely in terms of similarity in that he's effectively taken Gus's place to some extent, however I wouldn't attribute it to anything more than the person he's become and the position he's now in, rather than he's assimilating traits.

He has a front to launder his money as did Gus, but as do others at the direction of Saul.
When I watched it this morning, the first thing I thought of when I saw this was "Walt is dead, Heisenberg has taking over now". Mental episode really!

Personally, I think Skylar is going to get killed by the Nazi's, and Walt gets told what happens, resulting in him to go full Rambo, on a killing spree through the lab

I wish people would learn to spell Nazis properly. :p
That was an awesome episode!
Is it wrong that I laughed when Walt's son said "Hank's dead!?" after he'd just had the bombshell dropped on him about his dad being a meth kingpin and he and his mum had been lying to him about it for a year :D
To clear up any confusion about an earlier statement from me..
Vince Gilligan, while giving an exclusive tease of this episode on Talking Bad, stated "Our next episode is titled 'Granite State', and in it, ...look for Walt to get a new pair of glasses".
'jack' and his gang are some of the worst characters of all 5 series. rubbish and i really hope they all die before the end because it will ruin everything for me if they get away with the money/meth

what happened to the big black minder guy that hank tricked into giving information with that fake photo of jesse's brains missing ?
So no one thinking the barrels are only top loaded with cash with huel and co having taken some cash out when they barrelled up the cash?

I lolled when the kid dived on his dad and did the crocodile roll to chuck his dad off his mam. I thought we were going to see him stab his dad for a sec there.
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