US: Breaking Bad Season 5 Part II - The finale.

What an episode.

I think Walt does care about his family but ultimately everything he has done since the end of season 1 has been for himself. I'm also not convinced he's ever done anything for Jessie that hasn't either helped him directly or indirectly.
was great episode :cool:

some was predictable and im just hoping the little child hasnt got anything to do with the ricin. at first i thought it maybe related to junior and some way hes going to consume it but some things like the damaged teddy sprung to mind and im thinking maybe the youngest may end up getting it :eek: :(

this isn't going to end well regardless been great tv not many shows as good have been aired. right up there with the wire, sopranos(didn't like ending) .

just hoping they dont do some cash in ending to allow for other shows as the show has been pretty raw and good all the way through.
Not to take anything away from Breaking Bad, but its no different to other series', Lost in particular coming to mind with what you have described.

I hope you are referring to the discussion aspect and not the actual content part :p
Lost was great, but a complete snooze fest compared to BB. In fact, nothing compares to BB :D

Sunday night can't come quick enough!!!
I wonder if they hide little things in each episode to give something away.
For instance rewatching the episode at the start Jessie say, "put me into a coma why don't you".
You know what i mean. I didn't want to write an essay to explain it. :rolleyes:

This is different.

You made the claim that this show was totally unique in that aspect, but its not. There were pages and pages dedicated to discussing Lost across the internet everytime an episode aired.

The same goes for anything else recent, take Game Of Thrones for example here on OCUK.

I hope you are referring to the discussion aspect and not the actual content part :p
Lost was great, but a complete snooze fest compared to BB. In fact, nothing compares to BB :D

I didn't say anything about the show itself, I was simply using it as an example of the fact that people will be discussing it as soon as the episode finishes, just like they are here with Breaking Bad.
They come off too polite. I do feel they were kinda rushed into these last few episodes and not giving enough time to develop over a season. They could really of done with making this season 6 and not season 5b.

They have been in the show since towards the end of 5a thats more than enough time. We dont need to know much about them they are ruthless criminals with no morals and as hank says walt massively unestimated them.
Another great episode.

Lets wind it down abit. hmm, you start to feel its peaked then bam another massive hit in the groin so to speak.

Love this show
I was watching Jessie shaking his head as a please to ww. And I had no sympathy thinking, dude its yours own fault 100% for being here right now u noob!

Exactly what I thought. Oh now you're looking to him for help!

My missus on the other hand won't hear a bad word about him of course :rolleyes: :D
Not to take anything away from Breaking Bad, but its no different to other series', Lost in particular coming to mind with what you have described.


Don't be silly. Lost was an utter waste of my time. Wish I had never watched it. They just made stuff up as they went along with no intention of having to explain any of it. Not to mention lying about their intentions the whole time.

BB on the other hand has some of the best writing i've ever seen. You can tell everything is well thought out and serves a purpose.

Totally different leagues man!:D:D:D
Watched the phone call again for a second time and saw it in a TOTALLY different light... see spoiler comments:

Walt’s still reprehensible. He’s still Heisenberg. But last week we had Walt choosing his brother over his own freedom. And this week we got three redemptive acts as Walt gave up his most important possessions. 1) He gave up his money to try to save Hank. 2) He gave up Holly, the one member of his family who hadn’t turned on him. 3) By confessing on the phone and using language that exonerated Skyler, he gave up his ability to go home again. Legacy, family, home. All gone.
The coordinates that Walt uses for the money are in fact (apparently) the location of the set where they film :cool:
I wonder if the lottery ticket he bought was for a certain time? How ironic would it be if the finale call was his numbers being read out..
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