US: Breaking Bad Season 5 Part II - The finale.

Where from dude?

I'm looking at getting the Vamanos pest and the Los Pollos :D

Ordered the Saul one and Los Pollos from Red Bubble. They also have a vamanos pest t shirt which I'm going to order.

Search breaking bad in designs and you'll see pages and pages.
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I think the ricin cigarette is the end of Walt. Self inflicted when he and Heisenburg are done with one another. I reckon him and Jessie fire it up together when the Nazi's are dead and neither of them have anything left but each other.

It may have been slow-burn but there were two absolute stone-cold classic moments in Granite State that I won't forget:

1. The hat going on. Chills down the spine. Then the show instantly pulled the rug like always with Walt collapsing like the frail old man he has become.

2. The theme music kicking in at the end as Mr Chips finally evaporated as Scarface finished his bourbon.

Cannot wait!
How did this not win anything? Skylar winning best supporting actress? Joke.

Anywho, the episode was awesome. Wrapped everything up. I really hope the finale is an extra long episode, like an hour and half type job.

I'm glad their ending it though, unlike most TV shows that string things out for years just repeating things with the same storylines just mashed up. Best TV show ever.

Uh it won best drama...thats winning. Not sure why you think it isnt?? and this was for 5a so who knows what they will win next year for 5b. and they were up against some awesome other shows, whilst BB is great it isnt the only show rocking a decent cast, plot and crew.

And you may not like Skyler but Anna Gunn is a great actress who plays the part amazingly well.
And you may not like Skyler but Anna Gunn is a great actress who plays the part amazingly well.


;) Kidding
Thank god for that, I don't have to keep opening Netflix to watch it now. Must have watched that scene 20+ times now, it's just incredible with the music
i actually didn't think that episode was that great. sure it showed walts getting weak and hes in real trouble with nothing much to show for what hes done in his life but dunno just wasn't the episode i was expecting.

hopefully the ending is great !
Really enjoyed the outro music. Thought that was very well done.

I don't think I've ever liked a show so much where I've disliked pretty much all the main characters. The only character I liked was Saul, and I could bare hank. Gripping TV!
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