Broke my nut! Ouch! How much?

29 Dec 2004
I've broken the nut on my Epi SG (the bit to the left on the low E has snapped). Still playable but obviously needs a new one, how much do you reckon to get it replaced? Don't feel up to it myself.
i normally take my geetar/bass to a shop, wave at at the clever man with tools, and say, ''needs a new nut!''

this normally does the trick for just under 10 notes :) i dont mind paying extra cos i like to keep the local music shops open :)
I'd've charged £30 with a basic setup to go with it... Some places (unit shifters mainly) will fit a nut for, well, peanuts but don't expect a first class job, you get what you paid for.
Northwind said:
I'd've charged £30 with a basic setup to go with it... Some places (unit shifters mainly) will fit a nut for, well, peanuts but don't expect a first class job, you get what you paid for.

i sure hope thats including the nut!
Northwind said:
Depends what sort of nut :)

if it was a pre-slotted GraphTech Slippery nut (probably the best price:performance) which costs £5 then charging £30 would probably be the average for a shop to do it but changing a nut takes about 10 minutes, infact it takes the same amount of time it does to change a set of strings!

but i usually check intonation, ive replaced 2 :p

i charge £20 including nut.

if you were doing a Bone nut, that also needs to be slotted i'd charge about £40 as slotting is a lot of effort.
I never met a precut nut I was happy to just fit, always ended up recutting at least one slot... But the Graphtech ones are damn good, never had access to them in the old days but I did one for my brother's Les Paul a while back and it probably only needed work because of his ridiculous coathanger strings :rolleyes: Works well too... I reckon just about anyone could fit one... But then, the same went for most of the work we got, so maybe I shouldn't say that :)
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