Broke up with bf

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when i went to the flat to pick some stuff up (cos we have both moved back home with our parents)

he had been there earlier and left a note with an envelope saying


can you post this for me, i ran out of stamps cos i used the last one on a letter to the surrey police. thanks, lewi "

how cheeky is that. i told my mum to leave it but she picked it up and said she only had 2nd class stamps. when i just told him that he went "WHY SECOND CLASS? WHY IS IT CHEEKY? WHATEVER !"
burnsy2023 said:
Are you at the point where your wondering what you ever saw in him?

Make sure your not short changed and don't give him sympathy for 'not having a job'


yes i think i am at that point. i think now ive started to sort myself out the blinkers have come off and ive seen everything in a different way.

i dont want to date a chav anymore! i didnt like his family either
burnsy2023 said:
From what you've said, he really does sound like a right chav.

I suppose your excuse is that everyone in love is blind.

At least you have a new beginning. good luck with everything.


thanks Burnsy
blimey its all going on!!

he called again saying his brother wanted to buy our 21" bush tv for £50 when its only a couple of months old


he was going to give the flat keys to his brother to pick up the tv then his brother was going to pay him next week. i said no way dont be naive cos his brother never pays up and wouldnt feel inclined to if he was given the tv

he got angry and started swearing etc and said "well we will see" then he said "fine you sell everything we bought jointy and just give me my half when its done"

but i dont trust him or his brother so i just got my mum to drive over to the flat so i could get the tv

blooming heavy and i think i just did my back in

then he started saying "well your insecure you have crippled feet ( i have ingrown nails which are being sorted) "

but as soon as i said "well we are not together anymore so i dont see why it bothers you" he soon shut up

and the scores are

Karen 10 Lewis 0

Gilly said:
He's called Lewis and he's a mummy's boy?

Reason it didn't work out is he's a big gay bear.

Does he still get bitty?

lol you nearly made me choke on my drink!!

i understand people being close to their family but he cant be alone. he has to always be with someone.

when we lived together he would wake up in the morning and text his mum good morning, then call her 3 - 5 times a day then when he was going to bed he would text her saying goodnight

i told my mum and she said

"omg how sad is that!"
its too much i think. and he said the other day that if he could live at the flat and with his mum and dad he would. i said to him until he grows up and gets to the point where he can move out and not want to move home he wont ever be with someone or be able to have his own place and have his own independance

he never called the flat home and i said to him, we were trying to make a home and all the time he calls his parents house home, hes not moving on etc
Gilly said:
How old is this fool?

Sounds to me like you're much better off without him :)


23 in october

my mum said i should go for a slightly older person next time cos they are more mature. HOWEVER, its ME time right now so no more guys for a while
Abyss said:
He doesn't even act 20, take it from a 20 year old :). It does seem VERY weird that he's so obsessed with his parents.

lol, I love the Bitty comment Gilly!


well my mum said just a minute ago "even your friend Iain is more mature"

though he got "sweet" tattooed on his shoulders but on a serious note hes 21 and more mature
Takhisis said:
We will? :p

secretspy - the whole point of going to meets is to make new and different friends; this doesn't always work if you bring "current" friends along with you. Don't worry - we'd all look after you :)

Make sure you don't get "done over" by your ex - make sure you get what is rightfully yours out of that flat, even if it means going in when he's not there and just taking it. Something tells me he'd have no problem clearing the place out.

i understand what people are saying about the meets but the whole thing about bringing a friend is i have friends who encourage me and if it was just me i would back out straight away

i almost made it to a brum meet a while ago i was with my other ex (spikes) but we both backed out though i wish we hadnt now
oh well, least i got to stay in a nice hotel which i never got charged for!!
he's just text saying he doesnt want it to end bad and would still like to be friends etc

(see he cant be alone`!)

and that my family have been so good to him

well i will stay friends for now because im tied financially with him RE the flat but who knows if i will still be friends after that

one thing is

im DEFINITELY NOT going back

and if you ever see a thread on here saying i have then you all have my permission to come and slap some sense into me

my address is

40 stupid lane
stupid hill
Kell_ee001 said:
Take one day at a time but make sure everything is kept civil while you deal with the financial side.

Once thats out of the way, decide if you want to be friends. You won't know how you feel until it's happening.

very true
He text me last night saying he knows how much he hurt me and thats why he also thinks its best to split. though he said he wants to still be friends

as i said earlier i will stay friends for the meantime but i did tell him nothing else will come of it and he has to be more polite to me

i think for both of us at least if it ends on a better note than it will be easier to get over each other. rather than cutting all contact straight away as i think thats when im then most likely to miss his company and end up being stupid.

i think in general he is close to his mum because of his purthase (sp?) as a child. he was in and out of hospital for 2 years.
i think also his mum nags him to stay in contact so he has got into this routine of constantly speaking to her.

i have told him though that unless he cuts the apron strings he will never be able to move out and have a life with someone else.
Innesita said:
i dont really think u should contact him at all.

well for the time being i need to be civil with him because im tied financially to him regarding rent for the flat and items in the flat

if i start ignoring him etc it will just make the situation worse. at least when things are cancelled I can walk away but right now im not taking the risk of him leaving me with debts

i really dont care if what he is saying is true or not. im not going running back to him. im just speaking to him about money and thats it. not texting him for anything else. im moving on
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Innesita said:
it doesnt really mean u need make friends with him,just keep in touch but be really cold,just dont care anymore.

i understand flat and stuff but wouldnt like you to be close to him again,wish u good luck,dont want u to think like...hmmm maybe i should be with him again,he seems to be nice,etc etc - which will be the thing u probably would like to see in him once again :(

well as i have said now many times. i wont be going back. fair enough your opinion is your opinion

but i know this guy, i know how he reacts to stuff so i will deal with it MY WAY

and to be honest your comments arent helping because you dont know the full situation and i find your comments are quite hurtful to me so fair enough your entitled to an opinion but i dont wish to hear it. i think really you keep posting to up your post count. if you want to add something to what you have already said there is an EDIT button
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Innesita said:
whatever,empathy...hmm sorry it is not me,not anymore,well u englishh ppl are weird cant take things as they are, why shall i lie about guys?

cant u see that?u want me to say: ohh everythings gonna be ok, he will change and u will have great wedding,really nice huge white house, few kids and really great life,sorry dream on dreamer then :/

feel sorry for her, had similar probs with men.i know shes sufferin but tbh she has to daeal with it. LIFE!




firstly if you have a problem with English people then go away and leave us to it!!

and you obviously havent read what ive written and misunderstood everything

if you had read it you would have realised im not looking for someone to say its ok he will change because if you had read the thread properly you will have seen that i dont want to be with him anymore

now in case you misunderstood that



maturity has nothing to do with talking.

im not asking for advice

in my post i said i was getting it off my chest

jeez some people do not know how to read!
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