BT Infinity. , worth a punt ?

I've got Infinity and have to say it's great. On ADSL the best speed I could get was around 1.5Mbit as we're a long way from the exchange. The Infinity website said I'd get 24 download / 8 Upload and I'm usually getting 30+ download and 9 upload so better than they predicted.
It's a long contract but I also know Virgin won't cable my area until 2012 so it was a no brainer for me.

How far from exchange are you? also was it fast switching over? i been deciding over this all day lol. :p
How far from exchange are you? also was it fast switching over? i been deciding over this all day lol. :p

Distance from the exchange is pretty elephant, it's the distance to the roadside cabinet and the quality of the wire between you and the cabinet that makes the difference with fttc.
I got ADSL at the moment. There is a phone jack in a room and ADSL wire plugged in, leading to another room, connected to a ADSL router. If you go to optic fibre do you extend to rooms with ethernet cables?
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I got ADSL at the moment. There is a phone jack in a room and ADSL wire plugged in, leading to another room, connected to a ADSL router. If you go to optic fibre do you extend to rooms with ethernet cables?

Yes. Remember the bottleneck will still be the cabinet to premises section. Ethernet cables are better than this.
Pay your money take your choice, you can buy extra units anyway. They are not an ISP aimed at the every day consumer, which is good as it means their network isn't overcrowded by the sort of people who think that paying £10 a month for their internet connection should give them everything they ask for.

I pay £7.50 per month and get everything I ask for from the service :p

TBH I can't see how the average person (excluding houses populated with lazy students and folk who sit around all day on their arses downloading stuff) can get through that much data during daytime hours.

I think you would be surprised at how much you can get through. I watch a few HD movies from my computer. You have iplayer, games, downloads. Plus you don't have to be lazy to download stuff you know. You can actually download stuff whilst you are out and about. No this isnt witchcraft, you can do it :D

Either way with 10Gb of peak use and 150Gb offpeak it wouldn't cost me much more than £40 a month which considering their service is beyond reproach (makes Zen and co look very very poor in comparison) I don't consider to be that bad.

£40 a month for that??? I think I would rather go with Virgin for that price and probably get a few movie channels with that as well.

If you arent into heavy downloading like these "lazy student" types and people who sit on their butts all day why would you pay £40 for your internet? Surely you should just get a cheaper deal?
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My estimate was 13.5mbs for BT infinity depsite the cab being about 100 meters away (can see it out of my window), yet next doors estimate is 24mbs both lines go via same route.
Is there any way to determine where your local cabinet is? I can't say I've ever seen one on my travels. As far as I know, my line goes to a little black box on a telephone pole just behind my back garden and a big cable runs from that to the exchange.
There should be a green street cabinet somewhere near you, beside that there should be a new shiny (taller) green cabinet which is for FTTC.

As far as i know there is no way to tell where your local cabinet is without going out and looking yourself.
We recently had it installed where I live, it's very good.

Currently, it's a bit up-and-down, but the BT Engineer told me to expect it to fluctuate for a week or two until it settled down.

When it does work, I get a connection of around 20MB, with downloads hitting around 4Mb/s! this is from my previous rate of 450kbps
We recently had it installed where I live, it's very good.

Currently, it's a bit up-and-down, but the BT Engineer told me to expect it to fluctuate for a week or two until it settled down.

When it does work, I get a connection of around 20MB, with downloads hitting around 4Mb/s! this is from my previous rate of 450kbps

That's a 35Mbps connection if downloading at 4Mb/s! ;)
With ADSL (Be, etc) your copper line goes from house, to cab, and then back to the exchange. With Infinity, they're effectively bringing the exchange equipment to your cab, so the only copper route is from house to cab, dropping distance and decreasing attenuation. With the decreased line length they're able to utilise a 'better version' of ADSL which allows for even greater sync rates.

So yes, they'll still be using your current copper to cab.
Called BT today to upgrade the BT Broadband to Infinity, should be with us next monday! Estimated 18MB but as said here, it can fluctuate, as long as its over 15 I'm happy, but thinking I should get more, about 400 yards from the Cab!
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