Build advice, Base Unit + 24" Monitor for £750?

27 Nov 2007
hey guys

Can I do it? Can I buy a base unit and a nice 24" monitor for £750? Can I build a base unit that will run COD4 on all high, with a good FPS, at the 24" native res?

I need to buy;

Memory - only 2GB needed as will be running XP
Graphics Card
CPU + Aftermarket HS + Paste
Hard Drive
DVD Drive
24" Monitor

I have a sound card, speakers, mouse, keyboard, OS etc.

Can it be done for a total of £750 all in? Inc. delivery etc.? Not afraid to over clock the CPU etc.

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Not the best cpu, but It can always be upgraded to a quad later.
Many thanks for your suggestions guys, it's nice to know if can be done!

Also, I'l be using XP for the time being, so won't need the 4GB ram, 2 will suffice, then when I upgrade to vista I can just buy another 2.


Could save a little by getting a cheaper motherbaord, and a cheaper case, akasa zen is only £27 TWO...

NINJA EDIT: EXACLTY the same price as AcidHell2 :o

Just spotted that :D..
The ocuk screen is not HDCP enabled so if you upgrade to bluray dvd later it won't play. Unless you remove the copyright. I think some players will play it with copyright removed, but something to think about.

Many thanks for your suggestions guys, it's nice to know if can be done!

Also, I'l be using XP for the time being, so won't need the 4GB ram, 2 will suffice, then when I upgrade to vista I can just buy another 2.


not much point tbh, the price difference is not worth it. Unless you have to get it under 750.
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