Build muscle and lose fat at the same time ?

It is possible, it is just hard to do.
What is much easier is gaining lean mass while lowering bodyfat%

vid not working for me :(
Someone told me building muscle speeds up metabolism so if you lose weight via cardio and then build muscle you wont put the weight back on, not sure how true that it

I've heard somthing along those lines as well, iirc for every pound of muscle you put on you will burna extra 400 calories per week which is not much over a week but it's a extra mars bar without an extra ;)
Someone told me building muscle speeds up metabolism so if you lose weight via cardio and then build muscle you wont put the weight back on, not sure how true that it

You burn more kcals a day when you add lean mass. That wont stop you putting on fat though, that comes from your diet.
another thing to mix in is fitness.

cardio is good for your fitness so i would always have some cardio in your weekly routine but a lot of people say (bodybuilders aiming for mass) that you will eat some muscle mass by doing cardio

that is the question:

can you build muscle and burn fat at the same time
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That question has already been answered: Yes, you can. But it is very difficult to do.

You *need* calories to build muscle. Yet to lose fat you need to expend more calories than you take.

It takes a very finely balanced system and *massive* understanding of you own body to do both at the same time effectively.

For the average overweight joe who on any given day does no exercise, and has lots of fat, simply starting a weight lifting routine will see them lose weight and gain (some) muscle. However, that is purely because he is now expending more energy than he was before.

For any guy with a "normal" physique and fitness level, it's much more difficult to do both at the same time -again, not impossible, just difficult.
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the guy in the video is saying that to build muscle you need protein (not calories) and that you can still supply protein for your muscles to grow

even while your are on a calorie deficient diet
protein == calories. Everything is calories. 1g of Protein is about 4kcal. Carbs are 4kcal per gram, fat is ~9kcal per gram.
It's easily done. Not only that, you can turn fat into muscle and tone up at the same time :)
What DJ_Jestar said ^

More simply put:

Building muscle requires a surplus of calories. (more than your body needs to maintain current weight)
Loosing weight/burning fat requires a defecit (less than your body needs to maintain current weight)

It's a catch 22. It is possible but is very difficult. With exact diet and correct training it's possible put for a lot of beginners and even intermediate trainers it's tough.

so basically the guy in the video is incorrect when he says everyone can do it ?

The semantic answer would be no, he is not incorrect. Every physically able person can/could do it. The real question/answer is only those with the determination (a lot of this is needed) and knowledge (of nutrition and of their own body) can do it.
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