Building a Citrix Server - Help needed

6 May 2009
I have a test server and would like to turn it into a test Citrix Server. After unplugging it from our network so there are no problems, would the first step be installing from the Metaframe XP CD?

I take it that it needs to be installed from the add/remove programs > add new programs in control panel as all Citrix software does?

After that do i run the Presentation Server 4.5 Autorun.exe from add new programs
You wont need the Metaframe XP CD, you can just do a clean install of 4.5. And nope, you dont need to install Citrix using install mode (in add remove programs). You can just auto-run the CD :)
Metaframe XP? *checks calendar*.....yup, its still 2009, lets talk XenApp 4.5 ;)

I'm assuming this is a new farm too

First things first, plug it back into the network, you're not going to get very far with Citrix without a network connection.

I'd be inclined to do a clean build of Win2k3. Start with that, join it to the domain and install TS using add remove windows components.

Configure the datastore -for small deployments or testing just let the installer create it locally, for larger deployments create a db on an existing SQL or Oracle server (or DB2 if you feel so inclined). Then install the licensing server - this can be on the Citrix server itself or elsewhere. Upload your license file - if you're evaluating you'll need to obtain an evaluation license and register it on the MyCitrix site, there's no grace period by default like a lot of software.

Once you've got those bits done, use the autorun on the XenApp CD. If you want to redirect the drives of thick clients to the citrix sessions, you might want to use the drive remap tool to change the drive letters of the local disks - this ensures that the clients C drive is mapped as the C drive in the session etc etc. Then, run the installer- don't choose the program neighbourhood agent as the passthrough client as you wont have a web interface installed at this point. Choose your farm name, point it to the license server you've set up and the datastore if applicable. After it installs, install the latest hotfix rollup pack.

Then you can configure the farm in the access management console and start installing your applications. Easy :)
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