Buying property at an auction, a few Q's...

31 May 2005
Hi all, I'm just wondering what peoples experiences are of buying property at auction? It's not something I have looked into before, but have seen a potential development property and have a few questions.

It looks like the auction room require a deposit of 10% on the day of auction. Also I would would need 10% to get a mortgage. So how does this bit work? Do I front 10% of my own money, and the approach the bank for a mortgage and give them a further 10%?

The other issue is the property is going to need some pretty major renovation i expect around 30-40k possibly, so how is that taken into account when applying for a mortgage? as the value may be a lot lower until work is completed. I'm sure there are a couple of websites with helpfull info but I could do with some direction. Will the bank lend more than the value, or is it a case of a mortgage for the auction winning price and then a loan for the development?

If anyone has been in a simlar situation and has adivce that would be appreciated
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