9 May 2005
At my parents' house at xmas, I was poking about my old cupboard and found a few old minidiscs...One was labelled 'demo thingy. recorded at practice room sept '97'

I've only just had a chance to listen to it and realised what it is...

It's me, aged 13, with the band I had at the time...

Goddamn, we were AWFUL!

I'll warn you now - it was recorded with an SM-57 into an XLR>jack adapter then two jack reducers and straight into a portable minidisc recorder/player.

I've stuck a bit of me and my mate Nick doing some improptu vocal jazz at the start of it...

Make with the clicky...

Last I heard of the drummer (who was ELEVEN! at the time of recording), he was doing session work in London and having a great time of things.

So, yeah - download, listen and laugh at a bunch of preteens making bad music.


lolz penski the start of the song, where you (i guess) were making noises' well, that was freaking awsome! :p
andr3w said:
lolz penski the start of the song, where you (i guess) were making noises' well, that was freaking awsome! :p

The loud bit is me, the quiet bit in the backround going "skibbedywadoowapwap!" is my mate Nick...Then a different Nick goes "STOP!" at the end.

penski said:
The loud bit is me, the quiet bit in the backround going "skibbedywadoowapwap!" is my mate Nick...Then a different Nick goes "STOP!" at the end.


Nick, Nick and... let me get this right... Nicky?
Chronos-X said:
Nick, Nick and... let me get this right... Nicky?


There were two more. A Nikki and another Nick.

It got very confusing at times...Good job I've been called penski for years ;)

Hey I've paid money to go listen to worse than that in the past....

Of course I didn't know it would be that bad before I paid but still :p
SideWinder said:
Drumming is very good! :eek:

I last heard him drum about 4 years after this crap was recorded...He was unbelievably good then. He's called Adam...can't remember his surname :/

This is what I was doing 35 years ago - Rock N Roll Tour De Force

Funny thing is my guitar skills are still the same but I no longer sing with helium.

Your drummer on that 'demo' is awesome for his age.
In fact the whole of the band have potential.

I remember Naffa (age 15) submitting a Cream tune video and I couldn't believe the talent.
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