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can anyone explain to me why my gpu's wont

4 Apr 2008
can anyone explain to me why my gpu's wont start/load drivers/be recognised on 1st boot? (cold)

and sometimes if puter has just been shut down for say 8hrs????
really annoying me now.

I was getting loads of failed coldstart boots (black screen lock ups before log in screen) before which was memory, but i'm not sure how to shake this issue off!

In device manager the cards just are not there and vista doesn't try to re install them, so all I get is GIANT ICONS AND MOUSE POINTER and all my icons get shifted about :rolleyes:
Re start and all is fine again :confused:
1) If you were getting tons of lockups previously, your Winstall could be borked. Try booting from a live CD to check for hardware acceleration
2) failure at log-in screen may indicate driver issues? Clean 'em out in safe mode, install fresh drivers.
3) What power supply do you have? Is the Ampage decent enough for the card?
Should make it clear I have 2 of them btw, .

1) If you were getting tons of lockups previously, your Winstall could be borked. Try booting from a live CD to check for hardware acceleration
2) failure at log-in screen may indicate driver issues? Clean 'em out in safe mode, install fresh drivers.
3) What power supply do you have? Is the Ampage decent enough for the card?

I've gone through 2 seperate sets of drivers now, uninstall old ones, reboot, vista jumps in installs its own, and refuses to listen to its owner!!! then I reinstall latest from nvidia.
Repeated this process several times trying to stop vista from jumping in, but I fail. should have called it skynet not vista.

and power supply is corsaIr 1000watt bad boy

Hmm, double check your power connector on the card.

power to the cards are good and locked in, all 4 of them,

Update your motherboard bios and/or clear cmos
I think I'll leave the old Bios flash till last minute :-)
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In that case, I'd go with borked Winstall due to your dodgy RAM.

I'd just reinstall Windows, personally :)
This is what I would do -

1. Update your motherboard BIOS.

2. Physically remove then reseat both the cards and the power connectors. Might not achieve anything, but worth doing.

3. Back up all your important data to a portable USB drive, then wipe the hard drive and do a clean install of Windows. Consider upgrading to Windows 7 - you can get win7 home premium x64 OEM from OCUK for £78. Good purchase in my opinion.

4. Once Windows is installed, use driver sweeper to remove any nvidia drivers it has installed, then install the very latest drivers yourself.
Right guys dont worry about it because I was hoping it could be simple fix, and my new kits on the way so I will live with it till my i7 stuff turns up.

doing a fresh install bios etc and reinstalling games just isn't worth it for the short term result till just after xmass. Cheers anyway and I'm sorry to waste your time a tad, but I think you can see why :p

I will swap cards around re seat though, the if that fails then sod it. Just hope I dont get same issue on my new system.
What've you ordered mate?

A rampage III, i7 950, 6gb ram overclocked bundle
Win 7 pro,
and some new drives.

Waiting for a bit to change my 2 x 280GTX OCX's cus they still mash everything I throw at them, But there obviusly not dx 11 which is a shame

But I will see how I'm doing when BF3 comes out :D

Which PSU are you using?
I had a similar problem with my 8800 GTX but works perfectly with a 750w ass opposed to a 350w

its a Corsair HX1000 which has run these cards spot on for ages till just recently when the issue started, So I assume its more software based as they run perfect for hours after 2nd boot! :rolleyes:
Had a similar problem when moving over my kit to a new case and just about pulled my hair out trying to fix it. Sorted in the end by pulling the graphics card, cleaning the contacts and then re-inserting card. Problem gone. Possibly not your problem, just thought I would share (as they say).
No I'm going to have a go today, take them out punch them and try again, I figure violence is the only way, maybe i'll water board them into working. :mad:
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