Can anyone recommend me a Gold pen?

17 Oct 2002
My girlfriend is looking for a all gold / gold plated pen for her fathers 60th birthday.

It needs to be quite thin and a ball pen.

Does anyone have any recommendations? Cartier seems to be the only choice at the moment. MotBlanc do not seem to have much in good. However she is open to suggestions.

Oh and yes I know gold it a bit nasty but he is an old Indian man and that’s what they link.
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robmiller said:
I think people are commenting more on spending that much on a pen, not spending that much on a present for your dad's birthday :)

Spot on, is he a writer or something? Why is there a need for a pen? I am just curious :)
Mont Blanc has a huge collection where some of them are pretty much all gold, IIRC, the Bohéme range might be what you are after. The Meisterstuck gold range looks awful.

As a writing instrument, it isn't as good as it use to be (it's still good). As a present and a memorable gift, I would opt for a Mont Blanc pen. It can't be beaten for quality or looks and it has that bit extra in prestige.

You could get a Cartier pen but it simply isn't a company that dedicates to making writing instruments. Choose a Mont Blanc pen and it will be admired, choose a Cartier pen and you'll be laughed at for investing in just a brand name (all IMO) :)
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chris_r said:
Paras said:
I know its quite a lot but he is 60 and has done a LOT for her.
Sounds perfectly reasonable to me. My sister and I spent £600 on my father's 70th and £400 on my mother's 60th.

As you say, they are big birthdays and when you consider how much they've spent bringing you up it's a pittance really.

As for spending that much on a pen, if the quality warrants it then why not? The £400 on my mother was for a handbag. My dad pwned us though by buying her a Tag Heuer :D
Well he is a Dr and she knows he really wants a nice pen.

I do like MotBlanc, I have one and its one of the best pens i have seen in years. I will pop into the MontBlanc shop in town later.
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