Can I overclock the CPU using only the multiplier?

6 Nov 2010
Behind the camera...
Hi :)

I herd a lot of things regarding this,
As I have a black edition CPU I was told all the multipliers are unlocked,

Can I just set the multiplier higher and leave the frequency at stock?
or will that not work?

No idea about the current AMD cpus as I have never owned one.

However if they are multi-unlocked then yes you can just increase it and have a similar effect to upping the bus.
Personally I have found upping the multi to be an easier way to overclock than the frequency. Upping the multi won't have a massive effect on things like ram speed or pcie speed.
Please not though that my e6600 was unlocked, but only downwards, not upwards.
well my mate said just whack it on the highest multiplier, although I dont think he realises how many I have as I think I'd be running about 20ghz lol

might have a play :)
well my mate said just whack it on the highest multiplier, although I dont think he realises how many I have as I think I'd be running about 20ghz lol

might have a play :)

Just bump up your multi 1 notch then go into windows and run IBT *intel burn test 20 passes*
then go into your bios and repeat.

once you crash/freeze then go into your bios and up your vcore 1 notch and repeat ibt test untill you cant go any further, remember to look at your temps at all times.
ok cheers

well err... I tried using just the multiplier and left the frequency at stock but the clock speed and multiplier in cpu-z is now fluctuating :/

does that mean the voltage is too low?
ok cheers

well err... I tried using just the multiplier and left the frequency at stock but the clock speed and multiplier in cpu-z is now fluctuating :/

does that mean the voltage is too low?

If it drops to a multiplier of x4 then its CnQ. CPUID Hardware Monitor will also report a power draw of 20W instead of 115.5W at full clock.

I would turn off CnQ when overclocking, more for convenience, not sure it would effect stability at all.
After you get something you are happy with turn it back on then.
thought it might be cool n quiet,

had it just under 3.8 but didn't wanna stress it cos I didn't know why it was fluctuating :)

cheers all
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