can someone quickly go over my CV please

2 Jan 2009
Im about to go out and hand in my CV to a few places, this CV was originally aimed at bar work but I have slightly changed it.
(my address is under my name but i have blanked it out..)



Piece of advise. Take your DOB off there and put your age. Monster and such sites have been used in the past to steal identities
I think that was his way of offering advice ;) make it a little more eye catching, still professional, but something different to stand out

Maybe but if I knew how to make it a little more eye catching I would have already done that...
"responsibilities include: interacting AND serving customers AND handling money AND till operation"

too many 'and's, I'd say get rid of the middle one, else it doesn't read too well, obviously the first is needed as it's a coupled section, along with the last and as that's just grammatical sense, but the middle should be a comma :)
"responsibilities include: interacting AND serving customers AND handling money AND till operation"

too many 'and's, I'd say get rid of the middle one, else it doesn't read too well, obviously the first is needed as it's a coupled section, along with the last and as that's just grammatical sense, but the middle should be a comma :)

thanks mac1st3 :)
Instead of sarcasm, fancy giving me a few hints/tips what i could do to improve it?

Yeah who'd have though sarcasm could ever be present on OcUK?

^ Oops sorry that was more sarcasm :o.

Personally I would be a bit more specific rather than make generic statements. For example, instead of 'strive to carry out tasks to the best of my ability' (which is a given) maybe you could say 'I take a proactive approach and am able to achieve good results through my own initiative'.

Details are good also, so instead of 'solve problems on my own', briefly refer to a specific instance whereby you have solved a problem, maybe: 'implemented a new system to decrease the number of non-paying customers'.

Also, the sentence beginning with 'I can work under pressure', is poorly constructed.
Perhaps a little brutal but honestly it's pretty dire and kinda what I'd expect from a 16 year old school leaver.

"I strive to carry out every task I am given"
Well, so do most other relatively hard workers and it's generally a given. Statements should be personal, tell them about you and why you're good not how well you can copy statements off a CV guide website.

The layout could do with a little work too. Just make it a little different, employers like something that stands out every so slightly above the rest.
Scrap it, just put your phone number on a piece of paper with the note "This is the only number you'll need, throw away all the other CVs, eggface."
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