Cancelling Sky Contract Early

25 Jul 2003
Just thought it worth a post in case anyone else has experience of it, and if any of the legal types could look over it..

According to the Sky contract,
11.(iv) you reasonably consider that you have been materially disadvantaged by any reduction in the number of Channels within, or the level of service of, your chosen Option.
The two months I've been with Sky for Broadband and Phone have been terrible. The phone is unusable, and the broadband speed is dire, and regularly cuts out.

I have spent hours on hold and on the phone to technical support, and had numerous engineer visits, and still the service is appalling. I take the emboldened wording of clause iv to mean that I can cancel my contract early without penalty. Is my reading of this correct?
I can guarantee that if you try to enforce this clause directly through Sky customer support you'll get no-where, however it might be worth threatening use of a third-party regulatory body - and if Sky don't let you cancel, actually go to the third-party.

By third-party I simply mean whichever company would usually deal with this sort of complaint, I don't know. Ofcom?
The problem I would see in your argument is in the perception of "Bad Service"

From your point of view (as you've stated) the level of service provided has been fundamentally poor given that the phone line is unusable and the broadband service cuts out etc etc

From Sky's point of view - yes you're experiencing problems but they're trying to fix these problems as quickly as they can given that they've sent numerous "engineers" out to your property and they've provided you with "technical support" via the telephone!

Perhaps not what you want to hear but I'd imagine that would be Sky's argument if you called up and requested to cancel stating that particular part of the contract :(
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From Sky's point of view - yes you're experiencing problems but they're trying to fix these problems as quickly as they can given that they've sent numerous "engineers" out to your property and they've provided you with "technical support" via the telephone!
I figured this would be at least part of their approach, but I've been complaining since week 1 of my Broadband service. I'm now into my third billing month.
We have sky TV and broadband, and our broadband was also awful for ages, getting 0.8 to 0.9 mbps at best :o

But we found that this was because the broadband was sharing the same cable as the phone line. I.e the phone line was coming into the house through the wall, then 10 metres or so later, a splitter for broadband and phone to go into their respective places.

So we bought a broadband extension cable and plugged it directly from the box that brings the phone line in from outside (don't know technical words :p), and then straight into router, and its now a respectable 6mbps. Not lightning no, but certainly a massive improvement and now something that used to take 5 hours to d/l now takes 50 mins :D

So maybe check your situation in regards to phone line/broadband sharing the same cable or whatever.
Good luck - Sky are a law unto themselves:

- They owed me nearly £200 in VAT (live in zero rated Island) but they would not refund.

- Customer service is terrible.

- My service is awful but don't have any alternatives (no Virgin or BT here).

Complain and go through an ombudsman if you get nowhere.
Actually you may be able to cancel early without penalty. I used to deal with this sort of complaint when I worked in Sky's customer care department, but you will have to write a letter in order to see any action taken. As long as the notes on your account indicate that you have been suffering from technical problems for a prolonged period with no resolution you stand a good chance.
I figured this would be at least part of their approach, but I've been complaining since week 1 of my Broadband service. I'm now into my third billing month.

No offence, but if you were having problems from the start, then why did you stay with them?

Don't you have 14 days to cancel / change your mind?
We have sky TV and broadband, and our broadband was also awful for ages, getting 0.8 to 0.9 mbps at best :o

But we found that this was because the broadband was sharing the same cable as the phone line. I.e the phone line was coming into the house through the wall, then 10 metres or so later, a splitter for broadband and phone to go into their respective places.

So we bought a broadband extension cable and plugged it directly from the box that brings the phone line in from outside (don't know technical words :p), and then straight into router, and its now a respectable 6mbps. Not lightning no, but certainly a massive improvement and now something that used to take 5 hours to d/l now takes 50 mins :D

So maybe check your situation in regards to phone line/broadband sharing the same cable or whatever.
This is similar to our setup, the line comes in to the top of the house, runs down the outside and goes in through the wall by the front door. The phone socket though is on the other side, and its the only phone socket we have. It was installed by BT 2 months ago.

I would happily settle for a steady 4 or 5 Mbps, and a working phone :).
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If you want to get anywhere, definitely in wiriting and ask them to reply to your letter within 7 working days of receipt (send it recorded delivery if you can so you can prove receipt). make sure you send it to the correct address for complaint handling.

Set out exactly what you have done and when, the calls to support you've made, the nature of the problems experienced, and particulary any repetition of problems that they may have tried to "fix" that remain unresolved.

Be clear and direct, but do not attempt to put sarcasm or emotive languange into the letter it will achieve nothing.

Set out that you consider there has been a "fundamental breach of material terms of the contract on the part of Sky in its continued inability to provide a reasonable level of service acccross the services that you rely upon in your day to day activities".

Point out that you have read the contractual terms and believe that as a result of the continued failure to provide the service you feel the only appropriate rememdy is for them to agree to the early termination of the contract without penalty to you.

In order to progress a complaint through the ombusdman or any other body, this sort of step would already have bee expected to have been taken by you and it shows that you are being, thorough, organised and rational in your approach in the face of their continued failings.
Nice phrase Atticus, this is what I have come up with:

Sky customer no:

Customer Relations Dept.
Sky Subscriber Services Ltd.
PO Box 43
West Lothian
EH54 7DD

Dear Sir/Madam,
Supply of Goods & Services Act 1982 (As amended)
Common Law Scotland
I joined Sky as a customer on the 9th of July of this year. The service has been fraught with problems from the outset, including two months delay in having the broadband installed, though I realise BT had problems at the time and so I was willing to give Sky the benefit of the doubt.

However, I remain far from satisfied with my service provision from Sky, and consider that some of my consumer rights have been breached, namely that of quality of service. I have spent hours on the phone to technical support, followed all manner of tests, and had engineers visit my home.
The problems are:
· Low broadband speeds (less than 0.2Mb/s on a service rated at 5.0Mb/s on your “upto” 20Mb/s service), and regular cut outs.
· Unusable phone service. The noise on the line makes phone calls virtually impossible.
According to the Sky contract, Section 11 article iv:
“ reasonably consider that you have been materially disadvantaged by any reduction in the number of Channels within, or the level of service of, your chosen Option.”

I do not consider the level of service provided by Sky to be anywhere near acceptable. In addition to this, due to the progress of my situation, I do not feel confident that any matters undertaken by Sky will provide me with what I consider to be an adequate solution. As a result of this, I believe there to have been a fundamental breach of material terms of the contract on the part of Sky in its continued inability to provide a reasonable level of service across the services that I regularly rely on, and as such wish to cancel my subscription, without any penalty to myself.

Please respond to my complaint/complete the work in the next 7 days. If you fail to respond/remedy in this time, I will have no option but to consider taking the matter further.
Yours faithfully

Insert your name
I have done exactly this - I switched to sky bb and it was terrible so I phoned up ~ 3 weeks later, quoted the passage in the contract and said I wanted everything refunded. They just said OK and it was all cleared up. I cited that 3rd line support could not improve the service and the drop from my previous supplier to them (from 4 to 0.9) was unacceptable from what i remember.

And then I got cable whilst ditching my phone line as it's outdated technology.
The problem I have is I'm stuck between two bad providers. Virgins service to me was woeful, which is why we moved to Sky in the hope it would be better. Slow broadband, and the phone would stop working once or twice a month (though it at least worked for a few weeks after they sent an engineer out).
Feel for ya pal, its not nice to switch services in the hope its better, sometimes though the grass is not always greener.

I'm fortunate to have 50Mb Virgin Broadband & Phone yet with have Sky TV. I guess thats the best of both worlds (for me anyway).

What problems did you have with Virgin?
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