Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 + extension tubes

16 Jul 2006
Ive just ordered myself a canon 50mm 1.8 for my 400D, am in a bit of a spending mood, would this be any good and what sort of results could I get with this and a set of extension tubes?
They're fine so long as you aren't really expecting to take insect photos. You need to get soooo close with them, and as most small creatures move erratically/get spooked when you're a few inches away, you'll get blurry subjects.

Buy the 10 quid non af ones on ebay and see what you think before shelling £50+ on the AF version. My competition shot in the current 'Springtime' comp was taken using £10 tubes and the 50mm f/1.8.

Note also that most shooting will require a really small aperture ~f/11 or smaller so you'll either have to bump up the ISO or use a tripod to counter slow shutter speeds.
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