Cant connet to GPRS

25 May 2004
I am in a bit of a problem here, I cant get connected to the web with my 6230, i try and connect to GPRS and it just comes up with "Subscribe to GPRS first", now what exactly have I done for it not to work any more and how do I go about fixing it, sorry if this is a bit vague. I rarely use the web function on my phone but I need it to receive an MMS someone is sending me.

Any help is much appreciated.
I have just tried to send a photo via MMS and its just saving it in the outbox and not sending when i try :/

I will call them up later and find out whats going on, it used to work on this phone but i think it might be since I got a new sim card for it that things have stopped working.

Thanks for the help.
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