Can't get stable @ 3.6ghz...

21 Aug 2006
Hi guys, been trying for 3.6 on my e6600 for a while now. Running custom WC so temps arent a problem, I'm on a 965P-DQ6 mobo.

Did almost 2 hours orthos but failed just before, running 1.55v on the cpu. I have +0.25 more on the northbridge and +0.20 on FSB. I'm stuck for ideas, I'm unsure on whether I need more vcore or more northbridge voltage.

Shoot some ideas :)
I only managed 3.6 on my old e6600 using phase, that is pretty good 50% overclock, anything over 3.2 is a good overclock.
Wouldn’t increase your CPU voltage anymore, in-fact I would lower it a little bit, what voltage is your memory set to?? What CPU water block are you using??

Just because some peoples CPU’s can go higher doesn’t guarantee yours will.
Find out the maximum stable overclock over you can archive using orthos and just playing games. Just because you have got orthos stable doesn’t mean you have a 100% stable machine...
Big.Wayne said:
Have you tried lowering the CPU multi from (9x400) to (8x400) and see if the chipset and memory are happy at that speed?
I'll give that a shot tommorow, cheers :)

@ mrh2019, I'm using a d-tek fuzion waterblock, PA120.2, GTS stealth 120.2, both with push/pull setups.
Logic Zero said:
Hi guys, been trying for 3.6 on my e6600 for a while now. Running custom WC so temps arent a problem, :)

As you say your temps are not a problem you could try a tad could only need that bit more juice for it to be stable...some are afraid of giving a cpu what they think is a bit too much...but it's still down to temps whatever vcore...take a look in the last 2 pages in link as there are a couple using higher vcore than your's....but at the end of the day it's your wether you up it or not that's up to you!.
Some good news guys, PC is 6 hour stable with orthos @ 400fsb but an 8* multi. I guess I just need more volts through the cpu. I wonder if this is normal of E6600's...I hear a lot of people boasting about how their proccy's do 3.6 on 1.2v :p
Logic Zero said:
PC is 6 hour stable with orthos @ 400fsb but an 8* multi
What vCore have you got on that chip running at 3200MHz?

Logic Zero said:
I hear a lot of people boasting
Some people are here to share info and help out, but others are indeed here to have a little ego massage. For the most part there is a lot of luck involved in getting a good chip although I admit some skill is needed to get the best from it lol :D

Anyway in your boots I would leave the 8x400 (3200MHz) testing going a bit longer but it looks like your mobo and ram are happy running at this FSB so now it comes down whether or not your chip is only an average overclocker or maybe it needs to be cooled better?

How far can that chip overclock using just 1.35vCore?
I needed 1.585v to be Orthos stable at 3.6, as bigwayne said it's luck as to what chip you get and how high it'll go, so don't worry too much about what others have reached.
Big.Wayne said:
What vCore have you got on that chip running at 3200MHz?

Some people are here to share info and help out, but others are indeed here to have a little ego massage. For the most part there is a lot of luck involved in getting a good chip although I admit some skill is needed to get the best from it lol :D

Anyway in your boots I would leave the 8x400 (3200MHz) testing going a bit longer but it looks like your mobo and ram are happy running at this FSB so now it comes down whether or not your chip is only an average overclocker or maybe it needs to be cooled better?

How far can that chip overclock using just 1.35vCore?

Hi wayne, Vcore atm is 1.475, I know it runs lower at 3.2 but I wanted to file out the cpu as a source of orthos failure.

My E6600 can reach just over 3.2 on stock volts if that helps.

Btw I was wondering if anyone can help me with this small problem I am having. Whenever I type I'm getting a very weird lag on my keyboard, I'm typing ahead and the letters are coming up on the screen after a delay. Was wondering if this is related to my mobo being overclocked? The jump from the supported 1333fsb to 1600 isnt really all that high. :confused:
Logic Zero said:
Btw I was wondering if anyone can help me with this small problem I am having. Whenever I type I'm getting a very weird lag on my keyboard, I'm typing ahead and the letters are coming up on the screen after a delay. Was wondering if this is related to my mobo being overclocked? The jump from the supported 1333fsb to 1600 isnt really all that high. :confused:
Sorry, fixed :p Forgot css was running in background, closed that and it's fine now.
Overclocks aren't guaranteed, perhaps your chip just isn't of high enough quality to be stable at 3.6GHz no matter how much cooling/voltage etc.

TBH I doubt many are FULLY stable at that speed despite their owners claims.
Mine is @ 3.6ghz 9 hours Orthos stable (posted pic in another thread) but it did need lots of juice though about 1.58-9 but temps are fine (well way under 70) so I'm happy :)

But it is a bit of a lottery really!
Barry1337 said:
Check your motherboard doesn't have a vDrop
Yeh it does, I just did orthos and it failed after 5 hours, BIOS voltage 1.575, but measured around 1.52-1.515 on speedfan.

Gah I'm so annoyed, even more voltage needed! Guess I'm just gonna take a seat back and be happy with 3.51 :o
Logic Zero said:
Gah I'm so annoyed, even more voltage needed!
Don't be annoyed, if your chip is happy to run at 3200MHz thats nothing to sniff at as long as its stable (stock volts too!).

Logic Zero said:
Guess I'm just gonna take a seat back and be happy with 3.51 :o
Lol its a personal thing I guess, in the real world the difference between 3500MHz-3600MHz is a non-event.

You have a few options, two of which are:

1) Work out the best 24/7 overclock that the chip will run at and then start enjoying your rig

2) Spend time and money on sourcing a new chip with a better stepping that may allow to to get to that place where your gonna be happy.

I understand where your coming from, your reading others posts where they say they overclocked to 3600MHz or 3800MHz 'with ease' but when it came to overclocking yours its been a struggle. Bear in mind a few people who post on these forums with big overclocks are overclocking addicts, they would sell there sister for a rare stepping CPU and often swap out CPU's on a regular basis looking for that 'high' :D
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