Car broke down

19 Jan 2005
got an L reg Clio that had one lady owner before me and never had problems with it, pulled back into student residences yesterday and it just cut out and wouldnt start, got green flag out and the fan belt has snapped.

Had to get it taken away to some garage in Leeds to get it repaired. How much around am I looking to pay, the guy said that the fan belt itself would only cost around a 10er and the work wouldn't take too long.

aww come on it isnt goin to be that much is it?

I'm a poor student here, dont have that kind of money, I thought it would be more like 40 or 50 quid, an hours labour isnt goin to be 90 quid is it?
thats a bit higher class than the place I'm goin I think, if its loads I'm gonna be gutted, anythin over 50 will be guttin but I'll just have to pay it I spose, gonna get a taxi there now.
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