Car clamped, help and advice needed quickly

Pay up I think, is the only option. Moral of the story - Pay your £30 parking fine on time and dont let it climb to £600. lol

He has an £1800 FTO import
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I wouldn't pay up. No chance. If its been identified that another person was (legally) using the car on the date of the offence then they've no right to take the car. They need to chase that person.

As for the stupid fine they've slapped on, tell them to do one.

Have the bailiffs left?

Call angle grinder man!
paradigm said:
Don't think he does. I'm sure he had a Mitsubishi FTO.
DOH! I;m thinking of our jalapeno friend, Brasso. I always get these guys mixed up even though I have only met one of them!
If you were parking illegally then you will have to pay out eventually. the longer you leave it the larger the fine will be as the fine print will state somewhere that you have to pay their admin/call out fees

If it was another driver then they'll have to pay but they'll need to admit to it first in which case if it goes to court then:
- they'll need to prove they had the right to drive your car (legally)
- if the above is true then they'll need to pay...
..otherwise, you'll get a fine/points, court costs AND the bailiff release fee + any other fees which they've added on.

£600 is a lot - is it a private company or the council which have clamped you?
Jay_t said:
£600 fine, thats flamin crazy. :eek:

Not really. Most of that £600 will be baylif charges and late-payment suppliments. That is a small charge in reality, I have seen (on TV) fines rise well into four figures.
ElRazur said:
If my car is towed away, it would be crushed within 5days.

Usually they're sold at auction, and any extra money goes to you, they get the £600... however if it sells for less than £600, you still owe them the difference.
Are they legally allowed onto your property to clamp your vehicle? What if it's in your garage? If it is on your property I'd cut the chains and stand guard over the car whilst holding a very large stick or move it to a mate's place as previously said.

This sort of thing really ****** me off, 90% of clampers aren't totally kosher and don't do things by the book.
you could angle grind it off later when they are gone, then move it to a friends house. When they come back, tell them you have given it away with the clamp included ;)
the car is crushed if its towed away for beiing illegal like no MOT or whatever, and only the police do that, you dont get it crushed for unpaid tickets

what is going on here is you owe the council £600 for a parking ticket. There is no escaping this, "i wasnt driving it at the time" doesnt wash. You'll have to pay up. These arent like speeding tickets, as the registered holder of the vehicle you are liable.

The bailiff is perfectly within his rights to clamp your vehicle to force you to pay up.

and the car will not be crushed, because the bailiff wants money, and he wont get any money from the car if he crushes it. It will be sold ac auction

but auction prices are very very low, and if the car isnt worth much, hed much rather have you cash than the car, hence it being clamped to force you to pay cash.

He should agree to payment by installments. Bargain with him, if this is the first time hes called hes got no reason to distrust you, and he wont want the car as that may not cover the whole cost at auction

i suggest you tell the person who drives your car whats going on and demand he contribute to paying for it. As hes obviously been hiding the reminders, as the bailiffs and £600 costs only arise if the ticket goes unpaid for a long time and large numbers of steps have been made to get the money from you.

ps you see this sort of thing every week on baliffs, if anybody watched it while it was on BBC1

oh and to those saying cut it off. Dont. This is a court appointed bailiff acting on behalf of the local council. They have your name and your address and your car registration number so wont just go away. If you hide your car, they will just sieze possesions from your house instead.

you seriously do not **** with bailiffs. The more you stall them, the more costs they add. Pay it quick before they charge you £100 for comming out again with a tow truck 2nd time round.
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riddlermarc said:
Are they legally allowed onto your property to clamp your vehicle? What if it's in your garage? If it is on your property I'd cut the chains and stand guard over the car whilst holding a very large stick or move it to a mate's place as previously said.

This sort of thing really ****** me off, 90% of clampers aren't totally kosher and don't do things by the book.


hes a baliff. not a clamper. which means hes been appointed by a court. He was taken to court by the local council for the unpaid parking tickets

you owe the council money, so they are perefectly within rights to sieze your property to collect that debt. They cannot force entry to your property, but once there they can sieze goods including your car or anything else they wish. Attack them or attempt to stop them and you will be commtting a criminal offence.

big_white_dog84 said:
Make sure your car cannot be easily removed by a tow truck type thing - get friends to box you in for example.

theres no point in this. they will just sieze goods from his house instead. This isnt some fly by night clamper clamping you for parking on his property. Hes been taken to court by the council, and the court have appointed a bailiff
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Guys thanks for your is the news

I offered him 100pounds but he wanted 500, the thing is i dont have that amount and my saving wont allow withdrawal without prior notice. :mad: :(

Ok so far so bad and it even get worse....I tried to be resonable to the guy but he was adamant on towing away the vehicle, so few of mine neighbours/friends came around and block the drive way and then i got on to jack the vehicle and unscrew the wheel nut. I manage to put the spare on and ready to roll.....then guess what.....the boys in blue showed up!! :(

They (police) initially called and say they aint getting invole as it is a civil matter then they magically appear like houdini (sp?), anyway they stoped me from getting into the vehicle but one of my neighbour refuse to move the vehicle blocking the pathway.....

After several hours of stand off, more police arrived and eventually my friend had to move his car. Now at this point the tow truck bar is sliding underneath my vehicle and while my friend distracted the police, i jumped in my car and lock the doors. :p Since i felt violated...but i did something stupid, i started the engine vehicle and then all hell broke loose :eek:

The police brought out their magic stick - you know the long one for smashing windows - baton. and they was all acting like a swat team. So i was like "damm they gonna smash my baby then STILL tow it away" i decided to turn the engine off and put my hands on the dash... At this point i counted 8 officers, as it appears the whole thing was getting out of hand, after protesting for 10mins or so, i came out of the car and they unthinkable happened......They towed my car and now the bill is gone up to 889.02pounds.

On top of that, i have five days to ocme up with the money or it will get crush. Since i have to let my bank know in advance before i can take out my savings, i decided to get an advance from my work place.....That means im getting noting at the end of the month...

...I feel ***** up. Anyway im gonna get the vehicle back in three days time. thanks for reading.
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paradigm said:
Wow, you handled that sitution in the most immature and retarded way possible, congratulations. :rolleyes:

Hormones running everywhere i guess and if you noticed i said I DID SOMETHING STUPID. Thanks anyway.
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