Car clamped, help and advice needed quickly

What a ****** that is. Who was driving at the time the fine got issued? What does he/she say on this matter? Why has it not been paid all this time :(

No swearing! FF.
Do what they would do in america.

"Your doing this because im black"

It might get them to move a bit if not throw that excuse around a bit and say ull sue them for discrimination :p

No offence intended, if it offends ill delete this post :)
How did it get to this point, i sure you must have had several letters prior to this, why did you not do something about it at the time... paying £30 then and chasing your mate for the cash would have been a lot cheaper in the long run...

Some times standing up for your 'rights' is a bad idea if you dont know the rules applied....

Good luck convincing your 'mate' to payinmg you back :)
Nathan said:
What a ****** that is. Who was driving at the time the fine got issued? What does he/she say on this matter? Why has it not been paid all this time :(

My mechanic, i have forwarded all the require information but ballif company says i am still liable BUT will send me a document on what i need to do. That was what i was waiting for but i got the ballif instead.
Who has added the extra cost?

I guess its for wasting the tow trucks time etc?

If someone came knocking on my door asking for £600 for something i hadn't done in the car, i would have dug out my V5 showed them it wasn't my car at the time made the car so they couldn't move it and told them to phone the police.

What i'm still not sure of is was it your parking ticket or the previous owners, if it was the previous owners and they have made you pay and i could prove the car was not mine i would take them to a small claims court and write to the papers.
Zip said:
Do what they would do in america.

"Your doing this because im black"

It might get them to move a bit if not throw that excuse around a bit and say ull sue them for discrimination :p

No offence intended, if it offends ill delete this post :)

Yeah i wish, the ballif was a black guy too. :p
Would it not have been easier to just like y'know... pay the £60 or whatever it would have been when you got it?
Unless I'm misreading it, the OP has just stated that it was his mechanic who was driving the car at the time the offence was committed.
If you look up at Burnsy2003's post, trying to avoid a fine for a parking ticket even if you personally were not driving at the time is not an acceptable excuse, as it is the registered owner of the car who is liable (sensible really, otherwise we would all make the excuse that it wasn't me it was someone else.)
Therefore, if I make an assumption or two, when you received the original notice of the parking ticket fine to the registered owner of the vehicle (yourself, the OP) you either ignored it or disputed it by saying it wasn't you driving it.
If you disputed it, the appeal was turned down as it is not a valid reason for non-payment (as per Burnsy2003) and you have then either ignored or further disputed reminders/summons over a long period of time for it to go to court, a court order to be issued, bailiffs appointed and a civil incident has now occurred.
All through this you will have been told that not driving the car at the time is not a valid grounds for appeal/dimissal of the charge against you.
You have let a what...£60 parking ticket? - escalate to £600 with court and bailiff charges.
You have been in the wrong all the time.
Why didn't you pay the fine and take it off what you owe your mechanic/off his next bill?
Seriously - if the above is correct you have no cause for complaint here...the reason the police got involved is because you were obstructing a court appointed bailiff from carrying out his're somewhat lucky you arent in the nick.
Seriously - you have caused a huge mountian for yourself by not taking a fine that at the end of the day YOU AS REGISTERED KEEPER are liable for.
He says he filled in the form with evidence that he wasnt driving in the opening post. He is still in the right IF he followed the procedure correctly.

I think burnsy's post relates to if that person then refuses to pay the fine.

What should have happened is that the second you got the original letter from demanding the extra cash, you should not have got off the phone until is was sorted.
roboffer - you need to read the link in Burnsy2003's post.
It doesn't matter a jot if you personally were not driving the vehicle at the time the parking offence was committed.
Parking offences can only be challenged on specific grounds(I know, I've tried).
A friend or other person driving at the time is not one of them.
I would bet that the OP made an appeal on that basis, it was turned down as it is not a valid reason, and he is where he is now becuase he did not pay the original fine.
riddlermarc said:
Are they legally allowed onto your property to clamp your vehicle? What if it's in your garage? If it is on your property I'd cut the chains and stand guard over the car whilst holding a very large stick or move it to a mate's place as previously said.

This sort of thing really ****** me off, 90% of clampers aren't totally kosher and don't do things by the book.

for a bailiff employed by the council, they're perfectly OK to enter your house if the door is unlocked / window is open to get goods to the value you owe.
MrLOL said:
theres no point in this. they will just sieze goods from his house instead. This isnt some fly by night clamper clamping you for parking on his property. Hes been taken to court by the council, and the court have appointed a bailiff

IIRC, they can only take things that are a luxury, for example a TV and DVD player and hifi, but not a washing machine or cooker.
If the car was parked than no one was driving it at the time. :p As what was already said, you should have paid the original fine and then take it to a small claims court to get it back. Still, have a go at doing that now.
jpmonkey69 said:
IIRC, they can only take things that are a luxury, for example a TV and DVD player and hifi, but not a washing machine or cooker.

no they cant

they can sieze anything they want whatsoever. Its only if a CCJ has been issued against you (for not paying rent or whatever) that they cant take stuff relating to quality of life. For parking tickets. They can

just they dont want stuff that worthless, as they are siezing goods to get money back. Your 10 year old TV or whatever would be worthless at auction so they probably wouldnt bother

but if they felt the wrong way inclinded they can take anything

your forgetting if you take out a secured loan (all the ones advertised on telly by people like carol voderman) they can take the roof from over you head, and kick you out onto the streets.

see :

for more info

they CAN take anything they want

btw, this isnt aimed at the OP, but to all those telling him to stand over his car with a big stick etc.. just shows pointless it would be to do so
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More bad news :( Work place wont offer an advance due to people abusing the priviledge - they take the money and quit.

Im so ***** up and i feel rubbish. I feel like the main actor in 24. I have to come up quick with 800+ in 5days time, How do i do that?..I have 100pounds and that's about it.


Email taken off as i dont wanna offend no one or give the impression im trying to scam.
Sorry about the misunderstanding

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How much notice do you have to give to your savings account?

Sometimes if you forgo the month's interest or pay a small fee you can take the money out without any notice - it's worth phoning up your bank and asking
Sorry I didn't see this post earlier.

You can LEGALLY remove the clamp so long as no damage is done to the clamp.

Jack the car up, lower the tyre pressure fully and the clamp will slide off. If not you may have to cut the tyre (but there should be a spare in the boot) and you then drive away and hide the car somewhere else. The debt then goes back to the council as unrecoverable.

Getting in the car was silly, especially as police were called, but they can't raise the car with you in it period.
Out of interest, how much is the car worth?

What do you mean by your mechanic? Is this a garage or just someone you know who is a mechanic? Did they not tell you about the fine there and then when you picked the car up?

Why didn't you make a fuss at the time to the mechanic and even if they hid it from you until you got a reminder in the post, why didn't you go down there and ask why they didn't tell you.

We have a clamper operating on our car park and two lads went off and bought bolt cutters, cut the chain and off they went. Clamper always takes a pic and records the vehicle details. The police had to go to the lads house who were potentially liable to criminal damage.

Only in this country!
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