Car floor mats...rubber or carpet?

22 Jul 2006
The original floor mats in the car are looking tatty with a hole in the heel area of the drivers mat.

These have lasted for the past 5 years of owning the car (original Skoda carpet) but just wonder if rubber is the better option now we have 2 kids.

We go caravanning, walks, football training etc and just wonder if rubber mats are just going to make my life easier cleaning out the car.

What are people's go to when it comes to mats? Mainly those with families!
i always put rubber mats living where I do and going walking a lot. Saves me having to buy new mats every year.
Carpet unless it's a landrover. Rubber holds moisture beneath the mat too.
I've got cloth mats all round and a rubber mat on top of that on the driver's side. I spend a lot of time outdoors and even though I change into footwear just for the car you still drag loads on crap in off your feet.
Carpet soaks up the wet and scrubs some of the mud off your shoes when you've been out in the rain and dirt, so you're not driving with slippery feet on metal/rubber-faced pedals.
I thought that was the whole point?
Rubber fronts, carpet rears - as I rarely carry rear passengers. I prefer rubber as my stilettos make holes in carpet too easily ;)
Carpet in Summer.
Rubber in Winter.
I used to do this but I don’t think I’ve bothered to put the carpets in for 4 years now. With kids there’s just no point. Sand and biscuits and other crap can be vacuumed out in no time from rubber mats.

Same for the rubber mat in the boot. They’re not cheap (official OEM ones anyway), but they last forever.
Thanks all...I'm actually surprised, I thought carpet would have been the main go to!

Any recommendations away from the OEM ones?
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