Cardiff meets Hoodi, for the nth time.

18 Sep 2005
had a gander around Cardiff with neverender today. After a few hours of going "Uhhhh, what shall we take photos of?" we got going, I enjoyed myself, so I assume he did, too :)
My feet are sore now. Long walk there // home :/


neverender insisted that this building was boring. I insist otherwise. Sky is perhaps a bit dodgy, and is just pulled from another old photo, but I like the building..

Under a bridge. Oooooo.

Someones washing. What do you mean these are a bit boring?

In an arcade. Neverender was accosted in here, repeatedly - perhaps I just don't look friendly enough?
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Sad dragon. Don't blame him really, someone strapped a great big lump of stone to his head, and an even bigger one to his arse.

The sun came out! Memorial, I think.

Sun? Clouds? My brain adds this up to IR - memorial in IR

Then we hit the jackpot - we found wild garlic! Lots of wild garlic!

Twas dark in that there wild garlic grove, so flashes were needed - we messing around with them, neverender had some great results, I had some iffy ones.
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Bit more abstractified

Down low

I broke out the macro lens, neverender the extension tubes

Garlic grove behind us, we found a tree. OK, I found a tree. Neverender didn't seem all that interested for some reason. Pssshhhtt.

Aaand last one, more hard tree action

C&C appreciated chaps : )
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Cheers all.
Wondered how long it would take for somebody to pick up on zee figure - not long it would seem!
The figure is of course my beautiful assistant, neverender.
Not sure he'll like me saying that :D

I think a slender woman in a flowing dress would probably have been fantastic, but unfortunately none were to hand - and neverender didn't even pack any dresses. Poor form, if you ask me.

edit : I should add numbers to these really, will do now.
Numbers added :)
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Awesome stuff mate (bar that first one because, frankly, the building does suck :p )
You definitely got a fair few more than me! Liking the Washing shot a lot actually, was slightly sceptical at the time, heh ;)
I'll get mine up in a new thread in due course (wouldn't be wanting to steal your thunder now, eh ;)

The figure is of course my beautiful assistant, neverender.
Why I 'ortta!
Awsome stuff Hoodi, awsome.

I think the pick of the bunch (imho) has got to be No.3. Love the IR shots (as always) and just love the blurry garlic shots (prefer No. 10). And for the record I like the building in No.1 too (don't care much for the sky tho).

Great stuff :D
What is the effect on the wild garlic?

Didn't you know, one of the basics of photography is to always pack a white smock!! ;)

oh and no 13 is my favourite!
hoodmeister said:
No it doesn't! :p
Cheers ¬_¬

Is that the carpark on Westgate Street? I'll probably be giving Cardiff a bash once I get my new camera. That's after I've done the Rhondda Valley first though.
Cheers to the comments I missed :)

AndyBorzi ~ Slow exposure, flash.. What's a smock? :confused:

elroberto ~ I'm not very good with street names, but I beleive it is, yes - it's certainly a car park :)
Keep em coming, not only are they good but the street ones are a big nostalgia trip for me. I studied in Cardiff 1997 to 2000
1) Looks other worldly, though I am not too fond of this...perhaps it looks too unnatural and a bit plain?

2). I like this, nice and creepy :)

3).Not a bad picture, a little more interesting than the first one.

4). Not too bad, but I can't help but feel there is something lacking that will make this go from an okay picture to a great picture. Looks like someone just tipped their camera without much thought.

5). I like this picture a lot. Nice colours on this, great manipulation on the sky and the column leads the eyes straight into the sky, which I like.

6). I prefer number five to this one, possibly because there are not as many colours so number 5 looks more interesting and gives more to think about.

7). The drama in the sky here is fantastic, there is a great sense of movement here (although it does make my eyes go funny).

8). Not a bad picture, great depth of field and nice vibrancy.

9). Not as strong as your previous pictures. perhaps the black and white makes the subjects lose too much detail. Also seems to make my eyes go funny!

10). This is nice, very nice contrasting colours here.

11). Reminds me of an animal running off in the distance, there is a great sense of movement here, the colours are the best so far too.

12). Not bad, one of your stronger pictures, nice choice of background blur.

13). Wonderful picture here. Almost abstract, but nice all the same.

14). Nice picture here. Very spooky and I can make out some figures in the background which add to the general eeriness of it.

Sorry if I have been too harsh.
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