Carmageddon 2 - Anything like that now?

6 Nov 2004
Hi, there used to be a game on the pc a while back called Carmageddon 2 which was bloody awesome, I was wondering if there are any modern day equivalents of it?
If there is to be a new Carma, I just hope that it's better than TDR2000. That was genuinely one of the most disappointing sequels I've ever played, it seemed to take all the fun out of it, the collision physics felt lightweight/spongey/just plain wrong, and it was very frustrating because on some levels it was pretty hard to gain enough time bonuses.

Incidentally in my view the original Carmageddon+Splat Pack is better in some ways than Carma2. The levels are designed a bit better although of course there isn't quite the range of powerups and physics models. I don't think it suffers too badly from using sprites rather than polygons, in fact Carma2 ran extremely badly on my Cyrix200+@180mhz, 48meg RAM, Voodoo1 system. On some of the levels like the Warship it was running at sub10fps when the action was hotting up.

People interested in playing Carma (or any other game which only supports glide under DOS) under WinXP will probably want to check out
Ahhh Carmageddon 2, I remember once driving through one of the city levels and having a zombie land on my roof from out of no-where, a swift replay revealed he had been walking around on top of a building and decided to jump off, just in time to land on my passing car and explode. :D

The maps felt so big and were always fun to explore.
Carmageddon and Carmageddon 2 are my two favourite games of all time.

They're also pretty much the only games i've ever completed, and I'm always going back to them to play them again.

TDR2000 was terrible, a really disappointing sequal, and the console version was so bad, I took another trip back into town the very same day I bought it to take it back.
ConfusedTA said:
Carmageddon and Carmageddon 2 are my two favourite games of all time.

They're also pretty much the only games i've ever completed, and I'm always going back to them to play them again.

TDR2000 was terrible, a really disappointing sequal, and the console version was so bad, I took another trip back into town the very same day I bought it to take it back.
I Never played carmageddon one but carmegeddon 2 was absolutly class but im scared to install it now just incase i dont like it and it spils my memories :(
Vegeta said:
I Never played carmageddon one but carmegeddon 2 was absolutly class but im scared to install it now just incase i dont like it and it spils my memories :(

Graphically it will look poor (very blocky) but at least the framerate should be smooth and the gameplay will still be fun because so few games of it's type have come out since.

If you use a glidewrapper you could also get higher resolution, although you would be stuck in 16bit colour, so it's a tough choice.

I haven't played the game since graduating 5 years ago but I am tempted to give it a bash again. Some of the levels were pretty boring where you have to hunt down peds but I'm sure it'll be fun for an hour or two. If not there's always Carmageddon 1 Max Pack which has more open-ended races i.e. not missions.
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