Chances of UKIP winning General Election?

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Or not letting them in on accounts of poor grammar.

And because New Zealanders aren't comfortable living with people who use vowels.

So who is going to vote tory now that Cameron has confirmed that if Jean-Claude Juncker gets in he will bring the EU vote forward.

Quite a lot of people, I suspect. Which is bad news for UKIP.

I think once you strip back on the fancy facades of modern day society, still hard wired into our brains is the survival instinct. It will always be there, in it's most basic form. i.e. personal longevity.

You only have to read / hear some stories about extreme survivalism. Over coming extreme odds in a scenario you never dreamed possible or ever imagined. These instincts will always be with us, we just don't rely on them nearly as much anymore.

Extreme survival situations aren't the norm though and for all but a tiny few of the western world, the fancy facades of modern day society will never be stripped back. The point is/was that you can not gauge a persons success, in a modern society using a yardstick that belongs in a past era. I would argue that a modern gauge would include criteria such as sustainability, responsibility and impact rather than how many offspring you can produce.

Anyway this is so far OT its not real, so to bring in back in line I ask, what would UKIP do in an extreme survival situation?
Could be a smart move by Cameron & the EU - present an ultimatum to the EU in which they will give ground - allowing Cameron to sell the angle we have power with the EU & are able to influence it at the top (reducing the impact of UKIP in the next election).

(If I had to guess).
well you edited this 2 hours later after a rethink but i think thats even weirder.

My sisters "married" to another lady (omg yuck) she's never going to reproduce "naturally" so her life is in your opinion without purpose or point... :confused:

or its not that black and white?

I think you have a very outdated view/opinion on the point of living as a Human being in the 21st century.

I editied it to help clarify the post as people took it the wrong way, and also to add the "interference" part in regards to your IVF comment I had previously missed after re-reading.

As I stated before, I'm merely speaking from my view on "natures" aspect of it, however elmarko highlighted an issue with my thought process - I could have expended but thought best let it lie.

Either way I think you need to take out the personal element, be it your sister or a random giraffe - my viewpoint was simply on the procreation aspect (originally expanding on my clarification to Tefal) of nature, not any personal belief of 'correct' behaviour or even simply "oh my god it's wrong. yuck!".

I accept my viewpoint may be outdated, but I mean no insult by it.
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I editied it to help clarify the post as people took it the wrong way, and also to add the "interference" part in regards to your IVF comment I had previously missed after re-reading.

As I stated before, I'm merely speaking from my view on "natures" aspect of it, however elmarko highlighted an issue with my thought process - I could have expended but thought best let it lie.

Either way I think you need to take out the personal element, be it your sister or a random giraffe - my viewpoint was simply on the procreation aspect (originally expanding on my clarification to Tefal) of nature, not any personal belief of 'correct' behaviour or even simply "oh my god it's wrong. yuck!".

I accept my viewpoint may be outdated, but I mean no insult by it.

I'm not offended just discussing all aspects of it.
I just find it a very strange way of thinking but i understand how my experience makes my opinion differ from yours.
We are still and will remain very much on the opposite sides of the fence.
This fence you speak of... I have no personal issue with homosexuality at all, I have both gay friends and family. I was trying to speak merely from a "Science of Life" perspective, perhaps ill informed.

Just wanted to clarify that, now I'll let it be :)
You what? Infirtility is generally caused by complications with the reproductive organs... Natural. How do you want me to relate homosexuality to this argument?

complications in the neural structure, hence natural.

iirc the currently count is over 1000 species which show homosexual behaviors.

especially black swans where homosexual parents offspring survive better due to the extra territory two males can provide.

how is homosexuality unnatural?
Oh yea totally agree. I decided to chip into this because it was a pleasant change from the usual racist arguments ha!

I would say we are the most dangerous species.

oh god no, in absolutely no sense of the word can we possibly be considered the most dangerous.

maybe the most dangerous to ourselves, but in terms of impact of the planet we're quite minor compared to most of the microorganisms.
They won 27.5% in a European election election with a hilariously low turnout. They won 3.1% in the last UK general election, and they have never won a seat in the UK Parliament.

So again: what's their strategy for beating senior Tories and pushing their share of the vote above a humiliating 3.1%?

There seems to be a couple of key points a lot of you are missing.

Turnout doesn't matter, what matters is the % of the turnout a party gets.

The last GE was 4 years ago, the European Elections were last month. Which election is more relevant to today do you think?

Using ancient statistics as a predictor of next years GE is just bizarre.
There seems to be a couple of key points a lot of you are missing.

Turnout doesn't matter, what matters is the % of the turnout a party gets.

The last GE was 4 years ago, the European Elections were last month. Which election is more relevant to today do you think?

Using ancient statistics as a predictor of next years GE is just bizarre.

really? any correlation between a european election and a general election in the last few years you'd like to use as evidence to support your view?
There seems to be a couple of key points a lot of you are missing.

Turnout doesn't matter, what matters is the % of the turnout a party gets.

The last GE was 4 years ago, the European Elections were last month. Which election is more relevant to today do you think?

Using ancient statistics as a predictor of next years GE is just bizarre.

There seems to be a couple of key points a lot of you are missing.

Turnout doesn't matter, what matters is the % of the turnout a party gets.

The last GE was 4 years ago, the European Elections were last month. Which election is more relevant to today do you think?

Using ancient statistics as a predictor of next years GE is just bizarre.

This truly is the thread which keeps on giving. It's like an ignorant Santa with too much time on his hands :)
The last GE was 4 years ago, the European Elections were last month. Which election is more relevant to today do you think?

The GE.

Using ancient statistics as a predictor of next years GE is just bizarre.

You must be kidding. Firstly, statistics from the last GE are not 'ancient.' Secondly, statistics from the last GE are entirely relevant to the next GE, particularly when the party in question has never won a seat in the British parliament and never received more than 3.1% of the vote.

So again: how does Farage intend to raise his party's share of the GE vote to a substantial percentage? He needs at least an extra 17% on the last result in order to be competitive. Where's that 17% coming from?

Two people have been arrested as part of a probe into alleged voting malpractice at elections in Tower Hamlets, east London.

A police statement said they were carrying out eight investigations in the borough relating to voting in the local and European elections on May 22.

"These refer to one allegation of failing to put a correct imprint on election literature; one of making a false statement about a candidate; four of false declarations on nomination papers; and two relating to postal voting."

Eight-four complaints were received about voting in the borough, but police said "in the majority of cases" there was no evidence of a criminal offence.
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