Characters faggin' it (smoking) in games.

Bioshock (Lots of people)
Final Fantasy 7 (Cid)
Duke Nukem (Duke)
Team Fortress 2 (Spy)
Halo (that Johnson guy)

Probably lots and lots of them in the GTA series too :)
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I am amazed the guy in that video can even move. He must be carrying about 7000 ammo clips on him. Before he placed he explosives he was firing 2 or 3 shots and then pulling another ammo clip out of his pack. Must have used about 12 ammo clips before he got to the airfield. Pretty wasteful really ! Imagine all those ammo clips he has just dumped on the ground 80% full of bullets. I tell you, what with military cutbacks and everything, his commanders are going to be livid.
Lord of the Rings online. The characters do cool things like blowing smoke birds and stuff depending on the type of pipe week you're smoking :D
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