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I've told you to grab that F3 that was for £45'd be lucky to find one for under £80 now...
In case you were wondering, HDD price is not gonna drop anytime soon...:
Oh damn lol, Still got my old IDE drive 80GB so I'll use that for now. Would it start going down by early next year??. if so I'll buy it then.Just checked prices some of them about £100 which is insane.
Depending on how much gaming you planning on doing over next few months.Oh damn lol, Still got my old IDE drive 80GB so I'll use that for now. Would it start going down by early next year??. if so I'll buy it then.Just checked prices some of them about £100 which is insane.
Depending on how much gaming you planning on doing over next few months.
You old IDE HDD will definitely affect your gaming performance hugely, and I'm not sure if you motherboard still got IDE connection at all. I know the HDD became double the price is a VERY bitter pill to swallow, but if I was in your position, I would just bite the bullet and get the Samsung F3 now than letting my gaming suffer.
I see a seller on the famous auction site selling a new F3 1TB for £65, I'd grab that right now if I were you. Do bare in mind that buying from private seller would mean you might not get warranty cover, but for the sake of saving £ would worth it.
I then had a google and they're 70 quid at the cheapest (except one place which was still 40 quid)
What's going on! I read the title and thought... Eh? That's easy they're all 40 quid! I then had a google and they're 70 quid at the cheapest (except one place which was still 40 quid) All major retailers have hiked the price up.
I actually have a spare F3 1TB sitting from an RMA a few months back that I have never used. Might stick it on the MM now.
Buchanan any chance of telling me where they sell that for £40loads of them seem to sell around £60 but most of them are out of stock.