Check my CV

I'd cut down the personal profile to one short paragraph and keep it snappy.

It should really be skills next, and then experience/employment history. Put the education and quals on the next page, they'll just check those off rather than actually read and take much interest in them.

The first page really is key and if I were you I'd spend more time formatting it to make it look a bit sharper.
"I have some experience using Windows Server 2003."

I would just put windows server 2003 and explain your level of knowledge to them if asked.

Where did you obtain your qualifications?

Written reference available on request. I wouldn't go on to say where from.

Skim read, got bored :P
A few pointers:-

1. Compress your contact details to just 1 or 2 lines, not 6. Make the typeface smaller (in this section).
2. Personal Profile needs to be a bit more focused, what you are, how you work. Leave the hobbies and interests at the end.
3. I agree with above, the order needs to be Name, Contact details, short personal statement, employment history, work skills, academic qualifications, other skills and hobbies. Always put the most recent entry first.
4. Always expand acronyms.
5. Use a different font, Ariel is a bit safe. Try Verdana, Tahoma (not comic sans though!).

Hope that helps
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