Check this weightlifting routine please?

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18 Sep 2003
Hi guys

Been doing weights for around 9 weeks, need to change my routine and found this one on the net - I changed a few things though:

Day 1: Back, Biceps and Forearms

Deadlifts (3 x 8)
Bent Over Rows (3 x 8)
Wide Grip Pull Downs (3 x 8)
Dumbbell Curls (3 x 8-10)
Barbell Curls (3 x 6-8)
Barbell Palm-up Wrist Curls (1 x 10)

Day 2 - Chest, Shoulder and Triceps

Barbell Bench Press (3 x 8)
Incline Dumbbell Press (3 x 8)
Dumbbell Pullovers (3 x 8)
Barbell Military Press (3 x 8)
Dumbbell Side Laterals (3 x 6-8)
Tricep Extension (3 x 8)

Day 3 - Legs, Calves and Abs

Barbell Full Squats (3 x 6-8)
Dumbbell Lunges (3 x 10)
Standing Calf Raise (3 x 15)
Dumbbell Squats (3 x 8)
Decline Crunches (3 x10)
Cable Crunches (3 x 10)

Couple of questions though -
Can I do some days twice in one week or would that be too much?
Would it be worth adding flyes or dips?
Is all that too much? :p

Thanks for any help

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Have you considered full body workouts?

For that routine, I think you can remove a few exercises, for example, there's no need for both BB and dumbell squats. Also, you have almost the same amount of curls as back exercises!
Shamrock said:
Have you considered full body workouts?

For that routine, I think you can remove a few exercises, for example, there's no need for both BB and dumbell squats. Also, you have almost the same amount of curls as back exercises!

Would it be sufficient to create one full body workout then use it 2-3 days a week?

Yeah...I guess I do lol. Any ideas what to replace say the BB curls with?

I think for a beginner full body x3 per week is the best way to increase strength. I saw better results after switching from a split routine. And despite what people may say, having only one day to recover has never affected my workouts.

For the curls, I sort of meant one or the other. So either just BB curls or just DB curls. As a replacement, close-grip chin-ups!
I agree with Shamrock.I'm a firm believer in full body routines.*This* is a routine that I've tried with great success.

The trouble is that people look at it and think 'Is that it??' and are tempted to add/customise to it.Don't.Stick to it for 6 months and watch the gains flood in :D
I think I will give that programme a go, I have been doing 3*8 full body 3 times a week and noticed more of a gain than when I was doing a 3 day split, so I think I will gove that a go for a few months and see what happens.
ExRayTed said:
I agree with Shamrock.I'm a firm believer in full body routines.*This* is a routine that I've tried with great success.

The trouble is that people look at it and think 'Is that it??' and are tempted to add/customise to it.Don't.Stick to it for 6 months and watch the gains flood in :D

Ok, that looks interesting...will have a better read and stick with it. Just need to sort out my diet :(

Found out today that I'm hopeless at BB Military presses.


So the workout bascially consists of:

Monday -

3x5 Squat
3x5 Bench Press
1x5 Deadlift

Wednesday -

3x5 Squat
3x5 Standing military press
3x5 Pendlay or Bent Rows

Friday -

3x5 Squat
3x5 Bench Press
1x5 Deadlift

That doesn't seem that much :eek:
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The original routine you first posted is fine, perhaps ad an extra abs session but that will be a good routine for hypertrophy, doms will be a killer initally. Give it 12 weeks and you will see some good changes.

There are so many different ways of training, you can only go off what is proven and what works for you. But in some cases less is definetly more.
I think that workout looks great, read it properly do the warmup sets and see if it suits you, I just had a go, and wth the extra decline dumbell bench, and all the warmup sets, it took me 50 minutes.
Personally I'm a believer in, there is no point in farting around with little weights and inefficient exersises. Lift big weight on the compounds, make sure your form is good, and keep upping the weight. Thats what Ive been doing over the past few weeks, and it seems to be working great, a lot better than a split routine (for me). Everyone is different and there are a lot of people with more experience than me who you may want to listen to, but this is woring for me.
ExRayTed said:
The trouble is that people look at it and think 'Is that it??' and are tempted to add/customise to it.

Raz said:
That doesn't seem that much :eek:


At the end of the day its up to you which routine you use, but in your OP you said you need a change. Assuming your old routine was also a split, changing to a full body workout is better than just a different sort of split.

I say at least give it a go and if it doesn't work for you then switch back. I'd argue that you'll be stronger 12 weeks after the full body than 12 weeks after the split.
Raz said:
So the workout bascially consists of:

Monday -

3x5 Squat
3x5 Bench Press
1x5 Deadlift

Wednesday -

3x5 Squat
3x5 Standing military press
3x5 Pendlay or Bent Rows

Friday -

3x5 Squat
3x5 Bench Press
1x5 Deadlift

That doesn't seem that much :eek:

I like it but I don't think there's enough volume (tonnage) there for optimum muscle growth.
Goatboy said:
I like it but I don't think there's enough volume (tonnage) there for optimum muscle growth.

The idea is that you cycle the routines over 2 lets say workout A is squat/bench/dead and workout B is squat/press/rows.The first week you do A - B - A then the second week B - A - B.

The only thing I'd be tempted to add once I'd been on the programme for 4-6 months is pull-ups for workout B and dips for workout A.That's more than enough IMHO.The routine is a 'starting strength' routine designed to build strength and mass initially.Once you have that you can customise to your hearts content :D

I have to say it works for me but I did initially feel 'is this all?!' after I walked out of the gym after 45mins :D

In 4 months of being on it my bench went from rep'ing at 50kg to now rep'ing at 90kg,squat 140kg from 80kg..all lifts have gone up.Of course diet is massively important too (to OP not all you grizzled gym rats in here:D)

The mistake I think most newcomers make is trying too much too quickly.Build a solid base first.You'd be suprised at how little exercise you have to perform to get good results.

Anyway best of luck choosing a routine to the OP and let us know how you get on :D
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apart from the fact each day has 2 exercises too much

Why is there too many exercises? Thats just your opinion, i have done a routine like that for 6 months and did not do me any harm. I have also done bill stars full body workout and i did not notice any significant difference between the two types of routine in terms of mass gain.
i think hes thinking more around the time factor.
including warmup and also warmup sets per exercise your looking at being in the gym quite a while.
Well I tried the chest, shoulder and triceps workout yesterday, and feel a bit sore today. Don't think my form for the military press was ok though.

Thing is, I'd prefer to loose a bit of weight, or at least give the impression i'm carrying muscle rather than fat - my brother is my height and the same weight - but looks much stronger/musculer whereas I look like a jelly.

lol, yeah I did think that the full body doesn't look enough, but I probably will give it a go.

I'll give each 12 weeks, and if the split works good then Shez gets a hug :p If it's the full body workout, then it's a group hug :D
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