Chivalry: Medieval Warfare - Fps/hand to hand combat sim ( INDIE )

I'm a fan of the classic servers to keep it mixed up, but TO is still my favourite.
Yeah have to say I agree on TO some great maps where teamwork benefits you greatly had a great match last night on the map with the trebuchets we had a line of knights formed into a shield wall all kneeling down whilst archers & crossbow men peppered anyone who approached it was epic! by the end of an enemy rush heaps of dead would be piling up in front of it, Good times :)
I've clocked up about 10 hours and have ONLY played TO!

Some of the other modes are a good laugh. LTS is fun, although it has turned into a bit of an archer-fest on the more open map. Still a good laugh on the river/castle map though. FFA is fun, purely because it's so easy to rack up kills by lunging at a group of people and swinging wildly until they are all dead. :D I think there's a KotH mode, but I haven't played it if there is.

TO is where it's at though. It always gets really intense when the music starts and you're on the attacking team :p
Yeah, I'm still loving it. Mainly play TO too, although I wish there were game modes with no archers. They are so annoying, especially when you are on the attacking team and 7 or more of your players are archers. It's pathetic really and I make it my mission to kick them off their ledges out of the spawn or to fall to their death from a bridge.

I use Knight class all the time, had a good game last night 46 kills and 11 deaths. I have bound laugh to one of my mouse buttons so if you get decapitated by a maniacally laughing Mason it's probably me.

Edit: How do you start a kick vote? Going to start kicking all the archers I think (from the game, not off cliffs).
Archers do get a little much sometimes but kicking them from the game is a bit much IMO, it's all part of it really just wish people would play to the needs of the map/team, plus it's always fun flanking them them stoveing their heads in :)
Archers do get a little much sometimes but kicking them from the game is a bit much IMO, it's all part of it really just wish people would play to the needs of the map/team, plus it's always fun flanking them them stoveing their heads in :)

Yes, they are very easy to kill once you get range on them. That's why I play Vanguard (nearly exclusively, except in LTS matches), so I can lunge forwards and lop their smug heads off while they peer down their arrows.

I actually only find them frustrating when they kill you at close range. Only so much zigging and zagging one can do to get close to them, but if they're good it's only 2 shots and you're dead.
The enemy archers are fine, I can kill them, it's the ones on your own team that do nothing that I want to kick. They just sit in groups camping and firing, not helping towards an objective, just team hitting you in the back.
I may have to buy this...:D

edit: oops contains swearing search for Chivalry: Criken's Cowardly Crusade on youtube
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- Might want to remove that swearing, it probably has the most swear words i've ever seen lol
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This game is great! Me and a few lads play it, quite fun decapitating people. What server do you lot normally play on?
We often hang out on the OcUK mumble server and have a few games of an evening. Add me on Steam (same as here) and send me a message if you ever see me on.
Well, I feel rather silly now. I thought my unlocks were broken, but I didn't realise the weapons unlocked in separate trees. So I was just playing with the best sword wondering why the axes weren't unlocking from all the kills! Duh! Had a lot of fun unlocking new weapons last night and had some epic rounds on FFA.
Well, I feel rather silly now. I thought my unlocks were broken, but I didn't realise the weapons unlocked in separate trees. So I was just playing with the best sword wondering why the axes weren't unlocking from all the kills! Duh! Had a lot of fun unlocking new weapons last night and had some epic rounds on FFA.
As far as my problems with the unlocks go, I've noticed that my progress only seems to register when I play on Official Classic servers but like you I have unlocked a few weapons now, though I have to say the ones I've unlocked are not necessarily improvements as such, more just alternatives with slight differences in reach, swing speed or damage, at least so far but I've not unlocked anything in tier 3 yet so they my be different.
It's about value & I know I've had my moneys worth out of this great game, & I know I'll continue to get great value out of my £18 investment for some time to come.
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