If anyone has experience of hosting a forum on a website I would appreciate some advice on the selection of forum software. I am aware of I.P. Board, vBulletin and SMF (Simple Machines Forum) as options and wondered what the pros and cons are between these three. In addition, if anybody has other recommendations I am happy to take that on board.
If I am correct, SMF is free software whereas I.P.Board and vBulletin have to be purchased. I am OK with paying for the forum software but if the free one is nearly as good then I would opt for that.
Any advice most appreciated.
If anyone has experience of hosting a forum on a website I would appreciate some advice on the selection of forum software. I am aware of I.P. Board, vBulletin and SMF (Simple Machines Forum) as options and wondered what the pros and cons are between these three. In addition, if anybody has other recommendations I am happy to take that on board.
If I am correct, SMF is free software whereas I.P.Board and vBulletin have to be purchased. I am OK with paying for the forum software but if the free one is nearly as good then I would opt for that.
Any advice most appreciated.