CiaoBelo - I take it you are a lot older than me then? i.e. ive only just turned 22, infact I turned 22 on the day of the assessment centre so maybe they felt sorry for me

. lol.
In terms of adding stuff to your arsenal, I wldnt take too long, I know most grad schemes you can apply upto 3 years after graduating however ive been told (dont quote me on this) that Cisco only accept ya upto 1 year later.
As for the structure, its telephone interview > assessment center and thats it. The assessment centre though is not just a strole in the park. I got there at 8am and left at 7pm. The day consisted of two role playing exercises (obviously networking related). If you passed those then you got through to the second half of the day. This involved 2 interviews (1 HR, 1 technical) and a presentation.
Hope this helps you out CiaoBelo.
As for Dist - Depending on the title of your degree I wldnt do a 4th year. Look at me (OK I may have been lucky) I got the cisco grad scheme with 4 months experience, 1st class degree from top uni and sheer guts n determination. They offered me a 4th year and look at where I am now, I wldnt b where I am now if I was at uni.
The reason I say the title of your degree is because the people who do Cisco's recruiting is Hobsons. Now the only thing that has changed since I got rejected twice and finally got an interview was my experience. I think what happened was that they looked at my degree title and said "Its not an engineering or computing degree, so Cisco wont want him" (Cisco wld like Engineering or Comp Degrees you see). However if they actually took the time to check my modules (Which were listed on my CV) they wld have seen that my degree was networking and computing related MOSTLY
I think ive covered most questions and things, let me know if any of the above doesnt make sense coz i tend to miss sh!t and not read over things lol.
Ill give you some more info in a few weeks once I start but this scheme is for you if you want to do networking thats for sure.
Just so you know though, the people they accept are not just from england, they are from all over Europe. I was the only English bloke there on the particular assessment day I went too. In total I was told there were over 1300 applicants and they only took 45 for Brussels and 15 for Reading. I think I did pretty well really considering the figures.