civikl rights for a peaceful protest gone in this country

This mess is because of the govenment not the bankers, the bankers just saw a loop hole to make money, years ago and the government recieved benefits from this thus keeping the ball going.

Seriously now, how much do you know about the situation and where are you getting your information?

You're jumping in the deep end with an incredibly simplistic view on things.
You mentioned that some protesters were throwing empty plastic bottles at the police.

Even if I accept your claim that (a) they were empty and (b) they were plastic, this does not constitute a peaceful protest.

To be fair, preventing people from moving away from the protest isn't exactly 'monitoring and arresting trouble-makers' either. Every one's been as bad as each other in this.
no sorry have to disagree with you, it would have been far cheaper.

Nonsense, the state would basically have had to pay out every single saver in this country and probably underwrite a lot of toxic loans or the whole economy would have literally collapsed in on itself.

I think you've horrifically underestimated just how important banks are.
Pity is that once upon a time an englishman could go about his lawful business (including peaceful demonstration) without being interfered with and being asked for 'papers' by the security forces. For this reason I strongly disagree with ID cards and the like. However being detained by the old bill is nothing new, particularly in those type of circumstances, but even more so since so many 'world leaders' are in town; it wouldn't look good for the government not to have a firm grip on the situation (iirc they did the same when the chinese had a state visit not so long back). Besides, as already mentioned, since it was made illegal to protest outside the houses of parliament the 'right' to protest peacefully against the state is now non existent compared to how it used to be. I know you can get a permit for demonstrating outside the houses of parliament, but who certifies that permit and upon what basis is it awarded?

lol when the new shopping centre was in leicester was opened, I went along to take some snaps of the building; the police didn't like that very much and tried to get me to delete the images and move along. What on earth I was doing wrong to merit that sort of attention I'll never know.

Too much has changed in this country thanks to the governments knee jerk reactions over !terrorist attacks lazors! omg! I know things are a little different now but how did we manage to deal with 30 years of ira terrorism and mainland bombings without all of the current legislation? And they were (still are) a damn sight more organised than a bunch of islamic extremist nut jobs. :confused: Just who's safety is at stake and needs to be protected here?
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I know things are a little different now but how did we manage to deal with 30 years of ira terrorism and mainland bombings without all of the current legislation?

I seem to remember frequent bombings both on the mainland and in NI and hundreds of people being killed or dismembered. I hear where you're coming from but frankly I don't want any more bombs, even if I do have to carry an ID card. I live in Spain currently and here they've had id cards since, I believe, 2000.

edit: actually 3,526 people were killed and 47,541 injured during 'the troubles'!
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You don't understand though do you? The bailouts had to happen or economic life as you know it would have come to a complete end.

As I said, you want to avoid this moral hazard? Protest for regulation instead!

Sorry economic life would not end, why should i pay others that couldnt afford a mortgage or their debts helping to push prices out of reach for so many. So what has this shown its ok to borrow money everyone else will pay, the rich get richer the poor get poorer.
Seriously now, how much do you know about the situation and where are you getting your information?

You're jumping in the deep end with an incredibly simplistic view on things.

Because it is simple, they make it complex so that the common worker can't understand the problem.
I seem to remember frequent bombings both on the mainland and in NI and hundreds of people being killed or dismembered. I hear where you're coming from but frankly I don't want any more bombs, even if I do have to carry an ID card. I live in Spain currently and here they've had id cards since, I believe, 2000.

edit: actually 3,526 people were killed during 'the troubles'!

forcing people to have id cards doesnt stop terrorists, a good example is ETA, id cards have been around in spain for ages for almost 40 years. It didnt stop the madrid bombings did it?
Sorry economic life would not end, why should i pay others that couldnt afford a mortgage or their debts helping to push prices out of reach for so many. So what has this shown its ok to borrow money everyone else will pay, the rich get richer the poor get poorer.

As you know it, today, it would. Banks have been an evolving institution side by side with our very politics and culture since the 1700s. If they weren't bailed out, they would have collapsed. Should they have collapsed, the very way the country is run would have been jepordized. Yes, it's safe to say that life as you know it today would pretty much come to an end.

Why? Perhaps you should stop being so quick to jump the gun and read up on what you're talking about: the relationship of credit and debt, and how the modern financial system actually creates its wealth and indeed, functions.

All these simplistic problems which you have (somewhat obscurely) managed to conclude are nevertheless central issues and as such regulation would go a long way to help prevent these issues in the future.

And now, I don't wish to sound rude but you really are boring me and I hate repeating myself.
forcing people to have id cards doesnt stop terrorists, a good example is ETA, id cards have been around in spain for ages for almost 40 years. It didnt stop the madrid bombings did it?
First of all ETA weren't responsible for the Madrid bombings. Of course, you're right id cards can't stop terrorist attacks, I never said they could. My point is that erosion of perceived civil liberties may be necessary to help prevent terrorist attacks.
To be fair, preventing people from moving away from the protest isn't exactly 'monitoring and arresting trouble-makers' either. Every one's been as bad as each other in this.

Well, I'd want some evidence that they were preventing people from moving away from the protest.

Anyway, the police had already stated (five days in advance) that it was their intention to contain and control groups of protesters. Even allowing for the generally poor standard of Britain's constabulary, I think it's fair to say that if you don't give the police any reason to contain you, they won't contain you.
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