Claiming local VAT on holiday purchases

4 Jan 2004
Finally, Swindon
Thought this was better off here than in GD…
Was in Madrid last week and bought some shoes for EUR 85.00, and noticed there was a sign saying claim your VAT back, so I thought why not?
Asked at the counter and they printed me off a form and said claim it back at the airport
After doing the requisite fannying around, I got a refund of GBP 4.65
Actually I received GB 4.00 because they didn’t have any small change
Anyone know how the EUR 14.75 morphed into GBP 4.65?
I’m not annoyed, just curious
(Actually had 2 other purchases as well, so all 3 were ~EUR 250, but the other 2 were claimed back in a slightly different way, and this was the one I still have the original receipt for)
Just found the receipt in my junk mail - EUR 6.12 was the refunded VAT amount, and the exchange rate applied was..


which rounded to 0.6537 when they did have the GBP 0.65 in coins! Ouch

Today's rate is ~0.84

There's no mention of a transaction fee, so I've no idea how the Euros transformed from 14.75 to 6.12
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