"Classic" games you still play

About to try and get through Supremacy and Deuteros tonight. Never complete either but got damn close - time to finish them and put them to the back of my mind!

To OP - you're going to make me dust off all the Close Combat copies (remember The Russion Front ?) I have and play them again - the cries of your troops shouting "get me out of here" and so on are what made the game.

Also, anyone played Capitalism and Capitalism 2 ? I still like to try and build a global business empire on my laptop when travelling.

Remember it - never really enjoyed it to be honest.

The main turn based strategy games I used to play was Civilization (Americanism intended) - I was blown away with that on the Amiga! But by far the best for me was UFO - that ate my life!

I still find myself playing DOOM and DOOM 2 a lot, i don't know what it is about those games but after all these years i keep going back to them
I recently returned to the PC gaming genre that I originally cut my teeth on 17yrs ago - simulations.

So far: Silent Hunter III and IL2 Sturmovik

To OP - you're going to make me dust off all the Close Combat copies (remember The Russion Front ?) I have and play them again - the cries of your troops shouting "get me out of here" and so on are what made the game.

Also, anyone played Capitalism and Capitalism 2 ? I still like to try and build a global business empire on my laptop when travelling.


Yeah, the cries are awesome (or bad if it's all going wrong), they are really well made games and are actually semi realistic (ish) compared to most others.

I only ever had no.2, I did want to get the russian front and battle of the bulge however, but never got round to it. I'm tempted to go and see if I can find them, however I'm still playing port royale at the moment (got way further than I have before.:D).
Thought of another few I have intstalled

Fallen Haven (Amazing game!!!)
Total Annihilation (with expantion packs and mods)
I seem to play a lot of very old games, if i cant play them on the pc i just bust out the amiga and play them on there, in the last 3 months i have been mostly playing:-

*other random old crap*
It came from the desert
*other random old crap*

you, sir, win the thread

(wait....it wasn't a competition?)

I played it on the amiga but the disks I had were corrupted so I could never complete it...thank god for emulators....
Don't install Port Royale 2, it takes over your life, I was supposed to be going to bed at 1am...

Got my first town however... :p
I still find myself playing DOOM and DOOM 2 a lot, i don't know what it is about those games but after all these years i keep going back to them

They are fun. The main thing that let down Doom3 was that it was dreadfully po-faced, and so wanted to have "atmosphere" it forgot to enjoy itelf. I gave up D3 after about 35% of the game and went back to Doom - and had much more fun. The nearest thing to the original doom in the last few years has been Painkiller.

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