Cleaning Your Monitor

19 Apr 2010
Bit of a silly question perhaps, but what do you guys use to wipe your TFT screens? Mine has some finger marks on it, but I'm loathed to put chemicals and stuff on there without knowing it won't damage the plastic covering.

Any thoughts?
A soft cloth (such as a glasses cleaning cloth). Wet it just with a small amount water if necessary, then use a dry cloth to remove the residue.

An alternative to water is "lens and display cleaner" I picked up some for £1.30 from my local supermarket and that works fine as well.

Yep water, it does leave a residue but if you wipe it with a dry cloth it soon disappears (only use a very small amount).

The stuff I have is called "NuVue lens and display cleaner" says you can use it on LCD and Plasma screens as well as computer screens and glasses, not bad for £1.30 :)
Bit of a silly question perhaps, but what do you guys use to wipe your TFT screens? Mine has some finger marks on it, but I'm loathed to put chemicals and stuff on there without knowing it won't damage the plastic covering.

Any thoughts?

Baby wipe + kitchen roll to dry, works a charm.
I bought stuff from a high street shop (monster screen clean) does the job and the bottle has lasted me nearly 2 years :)
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