Co-op game with friends

5 Feb 2016
Hi there
Looking some suggestions of some good co-op games on pc for me and a friend or 2 to play. I own about 600 games on steam Friday bundles and sales so most likely if you suggest something I may already own and haven't got around to it.

Power isn't a problem for the PCs either

Would like some suggestions for games that you could co-op in about 2-8hrz as it all depends work schedules etc.

What would you guys suggest.
Also you can add me if like

I'm cully4299 and I'm steam level 76(or something like that) so you know it's the real me :):rolleyes:

Han Solo shot first
Some ratings:

Resident Evil 5: 8/10
Call of Duty Advanced Warfare: 7/10
Far Cry 4: 7/10
Borderlands 2: 9/10(If you are starting afresh)
Dead Island: (Playing tonight hopefully)
Left for Dead 2: 8/10

Coincidence man . Downloaded dead island last night Thanks for the suggestions :cool:. Feel free to add me on steam if you want
Thanks for the suggestions guy. I own borderlands and dying light bo3 and dead island and some others so I'm sure can play so,etching together . Thanks guys
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