COD Black Ops looks pretty good on PC

Theres absolutely no reason why a 2.8+gig dual core and an 8800GT (or even 8800GTS 640MB) couldn't play this game perfectly fine upto 1680x with good/high settings if it wasn't for the sloppy programming... if they ever actually patch it properly you wouldn't need a new GPU.

Indeed, I bet they never do patch it properly though. If it ever runs like MW2 online I'll eat my hat ;)

All people can do in the meantime is use workarounds like disabling shadows or whatever works best, to minimise the problems.
Ive heard a lot of people having problems with all kinds of set up's running this game, its pretty smooth most of the time for me so I seem like one of the lucky ones. I heard it runs better on a quad core but cant confirm this. What cpu do you have?

An i7 920, I upgraded the mainboard, ram , hdd and CPU a year ago because all games I had ran perfectly well on the 8800. MW2 ran pretty perfect about 40fps with 1080 res which was fine for me but this game runs like a dog, 20-30fps. Will try now shadows now to see if it makes a difference but ideally I want to enjoy the whole game experience and not a castrated version. Ah well.
Seems the OcUK server is resolving to for some reason (invalid IP) can't join it... some other servers are also not resolving properly but I can join others fine - not sure if its just my end but judging by the few players who can connect to it showing 999 ping I'm guessing something is fubar.
Went back to MW2 for a few games today, can't believe how well it runs, makes BLOPS look so stuttery :/

Quad core and 6870 here, ran the same on a 5750...... crap
Still get over 75fps (vsync cause I dont like tearing) but it feels jittery
I've only been playing this a few days and already the bugs are starting to get to me. I've been kicked from servers several times now due to TKing due to the stupid way this game as been made. Not only is it near impossible to work out whos friend or foe based on the uniform (which in CoD4 was never an issue) but the name tags don't show up. So sometimes you shoot friendlies thinking they are enemies, and sometimes enemies shoot you when you thought they was friendly and didn't kill em. Add to that the fact that snipers are basically useless, with only a couple sniper postions on a couple maps (again, not an issue in CoD4). There are also some cheats That get a little annoying too, like I saw someone today who could spam care packages until he got the one he wanted.

I just want a good server to play on, without idiots that TK me just to take a care package, and still have good xp (I only got the game recently so am only rank 36)
I agreed with all of your post except for this bit, I'm fairly sure it is perk(Hardline Pro?) not a cheat, although I might be wrong.

With Hardline Pro you can change the contents of the package once, you can't keep changing it till you get what you want, unfortunately :D Not sure if that was what Dist meant.
I saw 3 on the ground before I died, and I saw constant enemy drops being called in for the remainder of the round (non stop, not long enough to get kill streak, call it in, die and repeat).
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