COD Black Ops looks pretty good on PC

Hows the recoil on MP? (Coming from SoF2, I kinda like recoil, as it sets you apart from the spray n prayers! :D) Ive just decrypted the files and installed before heading off to work, so wont get to play for another 5hrs!
I've held back buy it after the "effort" that was mw2, i know its by treyarch but it still has that arcadey/consoley look to it from the vids i've seen and it sounds like teething probs with the servers.

One question though, has the lean function been brought back, not having that in mw2 was a massive no no for me.
Completed it now. 15 SP levels took 7 hours on easy.

Its a massive letdown in so many ways. I am one of the biggest PC gaming fans & spent a lot of money on hardware & always bought all my games ( I have well over 250 full priced games alone).

But you know what I can now totally understand why people chose to pirate PC games when they buy something like this & its a letdown..............

If this game were made by IW or Valve or Crytek & used the Crysis2 game engine I would still not care much for it as the gameplay is so old & stale (COD2 with different weapons is the best way to describe it gameplay wise).

After about 10 mins you have already experienced all the variety the gameplay has to offer :eek: Sure they give you a few vehicles to drive & shoot from but its all on the rails & generic.

I could not think of any memorable locations or characters they are all so bland & cut n pasted from superior games. I loved COD4 & Even MW2 (Spec Ops is awesome). BO is not even in the same league as Half Life2, Doom3, Prey or RTCW. Its a mediocre MW2 clone with sub par graphics, tedious gameplay & some shockingly poor graphics in MP (MP appears to use a cutdown game engine & is noticeably poorer to SP).

This is effectively a reskinned COD4/MW2 will all the best bits taken out or cloned via copy/paste. The story is as bland as all those crappy US TV shows where you cannot tell what is going on most of the time & lose interest as its all so uninvolving & obviously an afterthought ;)

That much anticipated Zombies is dire as well & would have been dated 8 years ago :(

Good luck to anyone who can enjoy this but I doubt its going to be fondly remembered by most PC gamers.





those are some early snaps of the single player. about 10 minutes in.
now to me those graphics dont look bad at all or am i the only one, lots of people bitching on steam about the graphics being crap lol
Hows the recoil on MP? (Coming from SoF2, I kinda like recoil, as it sets you apart from the spray n prayers! :D) Ive just decrypted the files and installed before heading off to work, so wont get to play for another 5hrs!

Non existent recoil! MP is currently ruined already by sniper campers. You have to upgrade your XP to even get a sniper weapon or upgrades to other weapons. Which is hard when most of the other players are already cheating & hacking & or camping so you cannot even move a few feet without being killed again. After you get killed 3 times you become a spectator & if you quit you lose all your XP so you are forced to wait/watch for ages :rolleyes:
Non existent recoil! MP is currently ruined already by sniper campers. You have to upgrade your XP to even get a sniper weapon or upgrades to other weapons. Which is hard when most of the other players are already cheating & hacking & or camping so you cannot even move a few feet without being killed again. After you get killed 3 times you become a spectator & if you quit you lose all your XP so you are forced to wait/watch for ages :rolleyes:

The 3 kills to spectate sounds horrific, it must just be on certain game modes?
Non existent recoil! MP is currently ruined already by sniper campers. You have to upgrade your XP to even get a sniper weapon or upgrades to other weapons. Which is hard when most of the other players are already cheating & hacking & or camping so you cannot even move a few feet without being killed again. After you get killed 3 times you become a spectator & if you quit you lose all your XP so you are forced to wait/watch for ages :rolleyes:

What game mode is that? (Sounds abit like elim, but you get 3 chances):eek: Do you have to stay until the end of a match in all game modes in order for your XP to stay?

I get the feeling my play style (I cant stay still, so camping is out!) Is gonna get me a lot of respawns haha. I remember the whole sniper camping was a problem in the MoH as well, so looks like it is here too.
@AWPC - I really hope it's not as bad as you describe. If this game is anything like MOH MP sniper camping then it will not last long. I can deal with glitchy servers and game play, however campers do my head in.
I got mine unlocked around 9:30 last night. Most servers lagged, but the last one I played was just 4v4 and it barely lagged at all.

Went 23:2 as well! Suckers! but yeah, people who are lagging, try a smaller server for now, see if it helps. I know it's not ideal, but better than lagging (for now).

Dogs and Chopper Gunners aren't as overpowered, especially since most maps have plenty of cover. Gaymores barely kill too.
I've only played MP so far but had a few rounds before bed last night. My impressions are pretty good overall. The game did seem a little rough, and the games I played did feel a bit jerky and laggy, but it was good fun.

The weapons do have recoil in my opinion, certainly more then MW2 for example. I also like the upgrade system, unlocking the weapons by level then using the cash to buy the upgrades.

I didn't really see any issues with camping, the game felt very fast paced. I've been playing MoH MP a bit recently and it feel much faster then that (I was using the SMG class with lightweight, so I was running around quicker then normal due to the lightweight perk).

I kept forgetting about lean and prone but I guess i'm used to not having it in the recent FPS games. I'd have to say overall I like it, but i'm surprised it doesn't have the polish that MW2 has.
just had a quick go on MP.. im rank 13 already, im not the best player but damn you rank fast! MP is uber laggy atm, most of the lag comes from the choppers that you call in. it really would be better than MW2 if they fix the lagg. game play is your typical COD game; fast paced and wondering where the hell people are half the time.. but yeah, so far so good mostly.

(one of the most annoying things for me is the server browser.. OOOOOOOOMG it's so annoying, when all you want to do it join a server but the server list is loading every server!!!!!!!!
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