Collecting new bike this w/e - things to check..?

Can confirm that the ABS light comes on with the SV until you go about 3m then it kicks off.
So quick update. Bike has conked out on me twice now when dropping down through the gears. One approaching a roundabout on a dual carriage way and the other time while turning left off a main road into a minor road. Icing on the cake, I can't change the ride mode either.

Image below shows the bent rad fins when looking in through the right side fairing (this was taken at the dealer before I rode it away). It is tiny but I know its there. Plus, with the Akrapovic exhaust this is just under £15k worth of bike - it should be pristine! I really like the dealer and the guys who work there. Really passionate about what they do. Hope they can sort this!

Just don't be clouded by new bike/they're nice guys syndrome and talk yourself into keeping a lemon.
Just don't be clouded by new bike/they're nice guys syndrome and talk yourself into keeping a lemon.
This. They are NOT your mates. They are there to make money and that's all. They are no different to car salesman, or any salesman in fact. They say and do pretty much anything to make you feel comfrtable buying a bike from them. Whether it's coming across as passionate or wanting to be your mate. I nearly fell for it when I bought my Bonneville.

I'd seriously be kicking up a fuss. £15k bike and it's cutting out already!? Bent fins?! Etc.

I wonder if you're bike is running a little lean? Also double check the clutch switches and make sure they look okay. Ask them to do a full diagnostic on the bike, make sure it's running in the correct mode.
I'll take a punt and say they'll offer to repair the bike but say you should have inspected for damage before riding away.
You’re right. In fact the fins, the grubby seat and windshield I would have overlooked were it not for the engine cutting out. They had already agreed to bending the fins back into place on the first service.

However - all things considered leaves me somewhat unhappy. I paid just under 15k for this bike in one go. No finance and maybe that raises my expectations in terms of what I get for my money.

Even despite that, the bike should be immaculate. Since they’ve had it since June I’m thinking it’s probably spent some it not all of its time in the showroom being played and tinkered with. Probably explains the bike’s general condition.

Anyway - they’ve agreed to loan me an M821 while they transform the 959 into something more akin to a brand new bike.
afaik some R1200 models too show this.

Yep my R1200GSA shows the same thing until you start moving.

Even if it comes on while riding it doesn't mean that your brakes have failed only that the ABS isn't working, so the bike is still perfectly rideable.
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