
12 Mar 2008
West sussex

so im in a bit of a stupid situation at the moment.. im 18 (19 dec) and im not sure what i want to do in my future.. now im in level 3 IT btec national diploma 1st year.. i dont like sitting in front of pc all day and i dont want my future to be anything like it.. now my oister card cost 10quid a week which i dont have ( no part time job ) i go to college 4 days a week and now im starting to miss lessons just because if this..(no money for travel)

what part time job should i look for? im really in a big money problem atm and parents are not helping either... saying they will kick me out of house if i leave college... so im young and i have no idea how to earn money to stay in college.. i already know i wont be able to afford university (after finishing the college) what would you recommend me to do? should i just hand out my cv in shops like sainburys, Iceland etc etc (dont want to work in McDonalds) do i even have any chance to get a part time job there? and another question are jobs in IT industry possible after National diploma? or do i have to complete uni to do something like it? :confused:
RE: Finances, EMA? Helped me out a lot at college.

the thing with EMA is that they keep messing it up.. one week you get something the other not.. then after two more weeks you get more again.. that will help but it's not enough.. :o
That's only if you miss classes. If your attendence is 100% for the week, they pay you. Simple as. And nothing is stopping you claiming EMA AND getting a part time job.

EMA is based on parents income, not yours.

not really i have tested it out last year.. and after the year at the end bonuses came and after that the money which they missed out paying me which was 150 for the year.. :) in not missing my classes much my attendance never goes below 85%

If you dont like what your doing why do it?

Can't you just leave and figure out what you'd rather do, if it involves college again you can just go back next september?

What about apprenticeships?

apprenticeship is another thing i could do.. i need to speak with my parents to see if they accept it.. if not i will be trying to complete first year of national diploma but it is very hard to get motivated to do any work which im not interested on..
Right. This is coming from a careers guidance advisor who works with your age group.

Stay on your course and give it a chance, if it's first year, you've only been there a few weeks? Claim EMA and actually turn up at college (why else would they pay you?) and tbh 85% is crap attendance. Quite why you've chosen an IT course if you don't want to sit at a computer is beyond me, but perhaps get a careers guidance interview booked at your college.

The reason to stay at college is you are nearly 19, now when you hit that magical age, education suddenly becomes very expensive. At the moment, it's free. Look into local authority travel schemes to see if you can get a subsidy for travel whilst you are still in full-time education.

You know exactly how to earn money - you've pretty much said it in your OP. Don't bother with CVs for part time work, all the chain retailers you've mentioned will be online application, and the smaller chains will have company-wide applications forms that you should pick up in store.

You will have trouble finding work at the moment, because quite frankly you are up against an employers market. They can pick and choose between unexperienced, unqualified teenageers, or people with many years experience and knowledge behind them that may have been made redundant.

You need to lose the 'not working at McDonalds' mentality. It's money, it's a decent employer with a good training scheme and reasonably decent benefits for young people. How people won't work at McD's but will work somewhere like Iceland is beyond me to be honest!

Your best bet however is to make an appointment with a college careers adviser, or better yet if your area has one, Connexions.

Best of Luck!

Quite why you've chosen an IT course if you don't want to sit at a computer is beyond me

^^ well I've been in the college for 2 years now started on level 1 because of my English and mats as at that moment I've been in UK just for 1.5 years and my English was a problem (it still is) so at that time i didn't know what to or where to go as i know a lot about computers i obviously choose IT but then i found out new things which i enjoy doing (Graphics design or 3d work) after the 2nd level 2 i was worried that i wont be going higher because i achieved Merit and needed distinction to join level 3 but they give me a chance and now i've done an English test level 2 one.. which again proved that my English is a problem (54%) :( that really killed me and i dont want to do anything else.. i've spoken to my parents earlier and they understand the way i feel about not being interested in all the computer stuff college teaches me..

Now what i decided to do is stay at the college and give it a go.. if i fail at it then let it be.. i was trying.. if i success then that's a different story.. the skills i've learned wont make my life worse... im still young i can change a lot.. but as you've said everything will cost after the age of 19.. which i already knew about... i just cant get over it... if i had money in my pocket it would be easier.. ill try and apply for some part time job.. i might just get lucky.. :) anyway thanks for advice :)
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