so im in a bit of a stupid situation at the moment.. im 18 (19 dec) and im not sure what i want to do in my future.. now im in level 3 IT btec national diploma 1st year.. i dont like sitting in front of pc all day and i dont want my future to be anything like it.. now my oister card cost 10quid a week which i dont have ( no part time job ) i go to college 4 days a week and now im starting to miss lessons just because if this..(no money for travel)
what part time job should i look for? im really in a big money problem atm and parents are not helping either... saying they will kick me out of house if i leave college... so im young and i have no idea how to earn money to stay in college.. i already know i wont be able to afford university (after finishing the college) what would you recommend me to do? should i just hand out my cv in shops like sainburys, Iceland etc etc (dont want to work in McDonalds) do i even have any chance to get a part time job there? and another question are jobs in IT industry possible after National diploma? or do i have to complete uni to do something like it?
so im in a bit of a stupid situation at the moment.. im 18 (19 dec) and im not sure what i want to do in my future.. now im in level 3 IT btec national diploma 1st year.. i dont like sitting in front of pc all day and i dont want my future to be anything like it.. now my oister card cost 10quid a week which i dont have ( no part time job ) i go to college 4 days a week and now im starting to miss lessons just because if this..(no money for travel)
what part time job should i look for? im really in a big money problem atm and parents are not helping either... saying they will kick me out of house if i leave college... so im young and i have no idea how to earn money to stay in college.. i already know i wont be able to afford university (after finishing the college) what would you recommend me to do? should i just hand out my cv in shops like sainburys, Iceland etc etc (dont want to work in McDonalds) do i even have any chance to get a part time job there? and another question are jobs in IT industry possible after National diploma? or do i have to complete uni to do something like it?