Come in hornytoe, your time in cell #7 is up

You're parping a corpse...who's been there quite a while and is probably rather ripe by now. You might need to open the windows when you check into cell #7. And maybe get a few dozen cans of air freshner... :p

Or he could just send a bazillion SMP EUEs my way (common fault with one project that's been collapsing for everyone, it seems).
Cell #7, I used to have that cell, I think it was the highest level I'd made it too. Nice Frig in there !!!

Well Done Mr. Berserker !!
Berserker said:
I hope you mean Fridge. :eek: :D
LMAO ==> Yes Fridge !!! :D

Dont me to highjack the thread, but what did you mean regarding SMP and EUE's ... I've been watching that pretty close, haven't seen any yet. have you seen reports of Linux-SMP EUE's ?
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Berserker said:
Yeah I have, but if I talk about them, I'll have to shoot you. :p
Ahhhh ... yes, I went to the Pande Group Special Forums and had a noce around as well !! seems there's a few that are amping out on the Linux-SMP client. Good thing I only have one in Beta Mode :D

And I had an EUE this evening !!! I must have Hex'd myself !!!

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