compairing contract to pay and go

30 Aug 2004
Before I was on pay and go using around £20 or 30 a month on credit using a nokia 6030. Decided to go onto contract to get a decent handset and a few texts and minutes

Now im on Orange 19 12month contract-500texts a month and 50 anytime minutes

working it out to my old o2 prices -11p a text and 40p a minute call-

handset -about £230
£55 a month on texts
£20 a month on calls

£1130 total for the year (if I use all texts and calls up)


I could sell the handset and theoretically have a (almost) free contract!
I thought about it but my 810i is too nice, things like being able to hold more than about 60 texts impresses me!
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